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Tracking Ex Oriole Thread


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(vs. CARDINALS, 4/10)

Markakis hit 3 doubles today in a losing cause.

Another double so far today against the Nats (2nd inning). Were reports of the demise of Nick's power premature?

Markakis hit 38 doubles last year.

I believe that those who contended that his power had dissipated were referring to his lack of home runs, not doubles. Last year, he did not hit his first home run until July 20th, and he only had 3 for the entire year.

Those contentions may have been premature. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Nice first 7 games for Nick, .296/.367/.519, with a league-leading 6 doubles. No homers yet, but I saw one of his doubles that hit the wall maybe 2-3 feet from the top of a 10-12 foot fence, pretty deep in the LCF gap.

Unfortunately, he's playing for an epically bad team. I really wonder if he doesn't second guess himself on his decision to favor the security of a fourth year over the option of playing for a good team. I'm sure he had no idea just how deeply the Braves were going to go into rebuild mode.

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Nice first 7 games for Nick, .296/.367/.519, with a league-leading 6 doubles. No homers yet, but I saw one of his doubles that hit the wall maybe 2-3 feet from the top of a 10-12 foot fence, pretty deep in the LCF gap.

Unfortunately, he's playing for an epically bad team. I really wonder if he doesn't second guess himself on his decision to favor the security of a fourth year over the option of playing for a good team. I'm sure he had no idea just how deeply the Braves were going to go into rebuild mode.

I dont think they expected it to be so bad and they would have to go into full blown rebuild mode.

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O's asked the Braves about him in the off season, he wasn't on the market at the time.

I'm still skeptical that the O's would pull the trigger on anything less than a complete salary dump. And even then I think DD wouldn't do it. But I've been wrong a lot, so...

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