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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Well he may have saw him in mid-season form and I've seen him as a pro in a 3-inning stint. As you know, when you see him can matter a lot. The stuff is there, and the body of work suggests the command can be better then it's been, but when I saw him, I saw the power sink but he struggled to command it, especially glove side. He has 10 walks in 18 innings against NY-Penn League batters. I like him a lot, and think he has some promise, but the guy I saw wasn't ready to go up and pitch significant enough innings to be worth having to add him to the 40-man. Could he be a 6th inning guy? Perhaps, but I just don't think they are going to risk putting a guy under that stress who they are trying to baby thru pro 30 innings.
  2. Yes, I imagine they will be brought down but they may not throw them much.
  3. They are fully aware of his innings. He's on a 3-inning plan where he will start every five days and pitch three inning stints. That will give him about 30 pro innings on top of the 101 he tossed in college. The other college starters they drafted early (Akin and Dietz) are on the same plan.
  4. He doesn't have command of his pitches right now. The stuff is there, and after an offseason of rest I expect him to be fine, but he's not ready for Baltimore.
  5. Imagine that, a young, cost controlled legitimate starting pitcher should be held onto. As I said before, during and after the trade, Davies was and is heads and shoulders above Wright and Wilson and was not "in their same group!" This reminds of the time when I wrote up Lincecum as the second best pitching prospect I had ever seen personally (Beckett was the 1st) and sent it to my area guy only to watch the Orioles pass him up for Billy Rowell. Here I am again, Davies is heads and shoulders better than Wright and Wilson, and Davies was sent away for a rent a player who wasn't going to move the needle enough even had he come here and put up his .900 OPS that we all knew he wouldn't. Duquette does some great things as GM, and his scouts do a decent job overall, but they really screwed the pooch on this assessment.
  6. This thread is always a good thread to see bumped!
  7. Harvey pitching in a real game will be like seeing a Leprechaun diving a unicorn into the ocean and finding Atlantis.
  8. Harvey was throwing off flat ground a week or so ago. He'll probably be lucky to pitch in a game that matters by July. Right now, let's just see him log a complete season in the minors before we start talking his role with the Orioles. As fragile as he's been, I might consider putting him in the bullpen for a season as a three inning reliever and see how he holds up.
  9. Even the Markakis die-hards have to be happy we didn't sign Nick to that 4-year contract. He's slashing (.242/.344/.332/.675) for $11 million.
  10. You will not get an argument from me!
  11. I don't disagree. I know DD did not want to include Hader but the Astros would not do the deal without him. Norris worked ouit for us because he was a key member of the 2014 rotation that was a hot Royals team away from being in the World Series. I think everyone knows my opinion on the Davies trade.
  12. Hader, 1.29 ERA, 7 IP, 9k, 3 BB, batters hit .192 off him Davies, 3.60 ERa, 10 IP, 9K, 2 BB, batter s hit .189 off him. Davies would be in our rotation this year. Hader would be our top prospect. Just saying.
  13. Apparently someone on Dan's staff felt the same way as you do because it's the only reason anyone should have considered trading Davies for Parra. Saying that, Bergesen was sinker, slider guy who had a career 5.7 K/9 ratio in the minors which meant he relied on a lot of balls getting hit at people. He spent most of his Double-A season as a 22-year old where he put up a 3.22 ERA and 4.4 k/9. Davies put up a 2.84 ERA in Norfolk along with a 7.2 K/9 in 19 games, and a 3.71 ERA and a 6.4 K/9 in six major league starts at 22. Bergesen had a career 4.8 K/9 in major leagues. On top of it, Davies has three (sinking fastball, change, curve) average to above average pitches plus a slider that will flash average at times to give him a fourth pitch. Other than the fact they both came from the Orioles system and their fastballs were both 88-91, they really were different pitchers.
  14. I could understand most of his other trades. Last year, Miller made the Orioles legitimate World Series contender. To me, giving up E-rod, who I liked and think will end up a solid 3/4th starter was worth it because the organization still had Bundy, Harvey and Davies. Previous to that, although I was an Arrieta guy from s stuff perspective, he clearly was pitching his way to being DFAd along with Strop so packaging them for a starter that they needed made some sense. Obviously in retrospect it has turned out to be a terrible trade. I was even ok giving up Hader for Norris since Norris had years left on his contract and honestly, he was a big part of our championship year last year so that trade I feel was successful. This off season I wasn't in love with giving up both Brault and Tarpley for Snider. Maybe you give up one of those arm for the guy, but no way you give up both. Both had outstanding years and would probably be in the top 10 prospect for this organization if they were still here. The Davies trade made absolutely no sense whatsoever and makes me seriously question where Duquette is coming from at this point. Why trade your best healthy starting pitching prospect for a rental guy who won't move the needle much on a mediocre ball club? The only thing I can think of is that Duquette assessment of Davies was not very high and if so, he's was wrong in my opinion. So in the last year, he's traded away: RHP Zach Davies, 22 (2.84, 81-33, 101.1IP in AAA and 3.71 in six starts in MLB) LHP Steven Tarpley, 22 (2.48, 105K-25BB, 116IP in Low-A) LHP Steve Brault, 23 (2.43, 125K-40BB, in 155.2 IP between High-A and AA) For: Gerardo Parra (.213/.244/.332/.576, -1.2 rWAR) Free Agent at end of season Travis Snider (.208/.296/.458/.755, 0.9 rWAR) Released Either he needs to fire some scouts for these assessments or take a long look at how he values minor league prospects. I'm all about moving prospects in the right deal, but he and his staff did a poor job of evaluating the current Orioles team, the players they acquired, and the prospects they sent away because this is unacceptable and how you destroy franchises for years to come.
  15. Which in a nutshell why I was so adamantly opposed to that trade. We're going to lose Chen this offseason and Gonzalez has not been impressive this year and may have to fight for a job. Tillman was bad, Jimenez was good for a half then bad for a half, and Gausman will end up a good solid #3 pitcher. You don't trade guys like Davies for guys like Parra when you are at best a mediocre ballclub with a middle of the road budget.
  16. I would have only dealt Davies for a player or players that were good now and we had at least another year or two of control. even then, I had no faith in this team and would have been sellers rather than buyers in July.
  17. http://www.jsonline.com/sports/brewers/milwaukee-brewers-vs-san-diego-padres-b99587597z1-330192721.html https://www.facebook.com/Brewers/videos/10153205781415003/?fref=nf No worries though, he was just a mediocre middle reliever...:rolleyestf: Sinking 89-91 MPH fastball, plus swing and miss change, average curveball, all of which he commands. Pitch F/X classifies his pitches into 7 different categories which means he changes speeds and looks on his pitches which increases his effectiveness. Plus he's 22-years old. On top of it, all seven have plus pitch values. No seriously, not one pitch is below average. If Davies was still in our system, he's probably the number one or two prospect for me (Grant it it's more to do with a lack of options than anything, but still). Instead, we got a .574 OPS and a -1.2 WAR from Parra on a team that will finish below .500. So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now? This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.
  18. Well he's certainly hit like him. Unfortunately, Lough was a better defender.
  19. Congrats to the young man. I wish him great success!
  20. Got it. Well, you can have any opinion you like, but you are wrong. Davies will prove you and anyone else who thinks he's fodder wrong. Davies was third down the list because the other guys were on the 40-man roster and deserved their shot before him. That's the way baseball works. Why do you think Milwaukee wanted Davies? The Orioles would have given up Wright or Wilson up in a minute for Parra. I still would have been against the trade since I never thought Parra moved the needle enough on this team, but I'd much rather give up a Wright or Wilson for Parra than Davies.
  21. Davies is pitching in Colorado Springs which is a very hitter friendly league. He is 22 years old and has been pitching against an average of three years or more older competition his entire minor league career. Before you make ridiculous statements, try basing it off more than a few starts in one of the most pitcher friendly parks and leagues.
  22. Yep, it's his man crush. The only thing Duquette did right was not to resign that boat anchor to four years.
  23. Or we can look at this we, the Orioles have a 20% chance of a one-game wild card playoff appearance. Yep, definitely worth sending away your top upper level healthy starting pitching prospect for those odds.
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