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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Got it. Well, you can have any opinion you like, but you are wrong. Davies will prove you and anyone else who thinks he's fodder wrong. Davies was third down the list because the other guys were on the 40-man roster and deserved their shot before him. That's the way baseball works. Why do you think Milwaukee wanted Davies? The Orioles would have given up Wright or Wilson up in a minute for Parra. I still would have been against the trade since I never thought Parra moved the needle enough on this team, but I'd much rather give up a Wright or Wilson for Parra than Davies.
  2. Davies is pitching in Colorado Springs which is a very hitter friendly league. He is 22 years old and has been pitching against an average of three years or more older competition his entire minor league career. Before you make ridiculous statements, try basing it off more than a few starts in one of the most pitcher friendly parks and leagues.
  3. Yep, it's his man crush. The only thing Duquette did right was not to resign that boat anchor to four years.
  4. Or we can look at this we, the Orioles have a 20% chance of a one-game wild card playoff appearance. Yep, definitely worth sending away your top upper level healthy starting pitching prospect for those odds.
  5. I'm shocked this poll is so close. Anyone that thinks Davies is a small price to pay for a guy who probably won't make much of a difference over the guys we have out there now really are either underestimating Davies as a prospect or overestimating what Parra brings. If Parra had an extra year or two on his contract like the Norris deal a few years ago I'd be ok with this deal i guess, but Parra is not the kind of impact player that Miller was and the Orioles are not in the same situation as they were last year. At the end of the day, the Orioles are essentially competing with teams like the Blue Jays for that final wild card spot and they added Price and Tulowitzwski and we added Parra.
  6. Givens sounds like his command has finally come around, but he's probably a little lower on the totem pole right now due to have more experienced pitchers ahead of him at AAA doing well. Still, I could see him at some point getting an opportunity in Baltimore this year.
  7. I'm not sure I know what that looks like after watching last year's big men play at MD. lol
  8. If I watched those guys play I'd think I could play at Maryland right away too if I were Stone! lol Seriously, I'm excited about what he brings to this team.
  9. Between him and Morse, wonder what's in the water in SF?
  10. I may have to use this one...
  11. <p><p><p>Hello Jason,</p></p></p>

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  12. Talk about a D-bag. Not only did he reach in front of the people to his left, he misses the ball. Look at the woman. She's like "WTF, D-bag!"
  13. I don't know who that is, but clearly she did play softball at any point.
  14. That's pretty awesome. Really interesting way to look at how a guy can throw from the same release point with five different movement/locations.
  15. I saw this the other day on MLB tonight and thought it was amazing.
  16. Konerko is the man afterall.
  17. It's good to be ticketmaster, isn't it? I don't mind paying a service charge for the ticketmaster service but their charges are crazy.
  18. <p><p><p>No problem, anytime!</p></p></p>

  19. How in the world this show never got picked up is beyond me! Hilarious!
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