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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. My apologies. You're all fixed up. Thanks for the support.
  2. No, but as a forever member, maybe it changed your theme? Go all the way to the bottom and you should be able to select a theme that you like.
  3. Steve, send me your email that you used or papal purchase id. Someone else had the same problem and when I look them up, it did say they paid yet the system here has no record. I'll get you squared away.
  4. True, he does. More times than not it seems Santander does well in those long at bat situations. It's like it looks him in a bit.
  5. Took 26 outs to do it, but we did!! LOL
  6. Dominguez knew we needed a walk off win to really wake up so he blew the save on purpose. What a guy!
  7. Now that was a professional at bat by Santander. Made the guy finally throw one in his happy zone.
  8. Hell yeah, what an at bat by Santander!
  9. 1-2 and Santander is battling, steal.
  10. Lol. On game day it looks like Mullins swung at a ball that almost hit him for strike 3.
  11. Imagine a world where Rivera is taking a key PA in the 9th in late September for a contender against a RHP?
  12. Not that I have a lot of faith in him, but I do think you start him off in the 10th if goes to 10 because of his ability miss bats.
  13. We both were screaming this at both times. Elias did find a way to get an impact starter in Eflin, but he struck out with every other deal to improve this team at the trade deadline and we already knows he doesn't draft and develop pitching internally.
  14. They're not snake bitten, Elias got caught with his pants down by trying to be cheap in the bullpen. He struck out with Kimbrel and then goes and tries to replace him with a guy he could get for Hays. Elias loves himself some castoffs so they can do well here and make him look like a genius.
  15. Someone explain what happened. i see a single to deep RC and the runner scoring from 2nd.
  16. Ah, this is nice, nothing bad should happen now. Dominguez is the definition of a thrower.
  17. Not even close. So instead of tying home runs, now it's will be a go ahead home run.
  18. No, no they don't. Dominguez never makes me feel good in a tie or one run lead. In the last month, he's allowed 5 home runs in his last 11 games.
  19. He has to be one of the few major leaguers with a blue box in the middle-middle of the plate.
  20. Holliday has to stop fouling off middle-middle pitches.
  21. I actually did that for my self as much as anyone else. Even I was surprised by how close they've been over the beginning of heir careers.
  22. Let's get an insurance run so I feel better about Dominguez in the 9th.
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