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JohnD last won the day on February 28 2007

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  • Birthday 02/11/1979

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  1. It would also be a bad indication that Elias didn’t learn anything from what happened to his old colleague in the LCS celebration.
  2. No effing way. This guy is untouchable on a team that already clearly doesn’t give a #@$% right now. How many middle fingers can you give fans? They’re already pretty apathetic. Do you want to alienate them and make sure it takes longer to make them ever care again?
  3. JohnD

    Austin Hays

    NOw that he is here it is absurd to even consider playing Rickard over Hays. Rickard may be on his way to being the next TJ McFarland in that Buck will keep going to the well for something not there.
  4. I stand corrected then. Do you think MASN can pay out potentially in excess of $100m though? If they can't pay up...
  5. Not sure thats the case. Orioles don't own MASN, the Angelos clan does -- I believe. There will also be another appeal and then the negotiations. But my guess is this a step towards MASN going away. Or at least the Nationals getting on CSN instead.
  6. Bet the Orioles are sellers now... Today the Washington Nationals won a major legal victory when a New York State appeals court ruled the Nationals are entitled to have the amount of rights fees the team is paid for television broadcast of its games be determined by a committee of Major League Baseball owners and executives.The decision arises from a long-running dispute between the Nationals and the regional television sports network MASN, which is super-majority owned and wholly controlled by the Baltimore Orioles. MASN broadcasts both Nationals and Orioles games, pursuant to a 2005 agreement entered when MLB moved the former Montreal Expos to Washington. The agreement expressly provides that any unresolved fee disputes between the Nationals and MASN should be decided by MLB’s Revenue Sharing Definitions Committee (the “RSDC”), composed of three MLB team owners and executives appointed by the MLB Commissioner. The RSDC’s membership changes periodically.In today’s decision, the Appellate Division ruled that MASN and the Orioles are bound by the contractual commitment they made to have rights fees disputes arbitrated before the RSDC. This will allow the Nationals to proceed to a new arbitration before the RSDC of the rights fees for 2012-2016, as well as an arbitration to determine the fees for the forthcoming five-year period of 2017-2021. The disputed amounts exceed more than $100 million for each of these five year periods.
  7. Dickerson is among the least of the problems. He's had some pretty gutsy sends that paid off. You'll never be perfect in that job, and sometimes the OF will just make a good throw to beat you. But if you're complaining about sending Hardy last night then you're just looking for something to complain about and someone to scapegoat. Meanwhile all those people bashing Dickerson, uh, did you guys forget about his work as infield coach too? Or have the Orioles become complete hacks with the gloves around the diamond too? Out of all the coaches on the staff Dickerson has separated himself as the very best relative to anyone else. Russell might be the only other one in the conversation.
  8. Imagine if they weren't so unprofessional and complacent... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. <p><p><p>Happy Birthday</p></p></p>

  10. At some point the bullpen is going to collapse if the rotation keeps struggling though. Adair needs to make some fixes, fast.
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