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Everything posted by oriolediehard

  1. Kimbrel leadoff walk, here goes the game!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hyde start 3 guys at the bottom of the order that are auto outs, only Slater worked out for him.
  3. You can thank Hyde for the tie game!!! I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Why couldn't Hyde let Suarez finish the inning???? Tampa now has a 2 out rally!! Perez isn't very good!!!
  5. I hope we win to reward him!!
  6. Yankees lead 5-0, we need to win to keep 1st place!!
  7. When is the last time we won by a shut out?
  8. Mayo is nothing like he was in the minors!!! He is nervous and pressing!!
  9. Can Mayo get his 1st hit now?
  10. Taters my man!!! He's a true Oriole, I would be very upset if we don't sign him for next year!!!!!
  11. Great play, big out!!!!
  12. Looks like runs are going to be hard to come by today!!! O's are making quick outs!! I hope Suarez can keep the game 0-0, It is possible 1 run may be enough this game.
  13. The bottom 3 of 4 hitters of todays lineup are auto outs!!!
  14. Wow!!! We survived, 1 game lead and 1st team to get 70 wins!!!!
  15. The low inside strike the ump repeatedly calls it a ball against us!!
  16. What does Hyde see in Perez when he has Dominguez?
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