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Everything posted by oriolediehard

  1. The great thing about it, he looks like a powerful left handed hitter. This is rare.
  2. What about the fears of the players have of COVID 19? The O's have been one of the smartest teams in the MLB because they closed all their facilities to not take any chances. 40 MLB people tested positive. Best to be safe than risk playing MLB. I think MLB should not play this year 2020.
  3. Any news on the O's signing their first 4 picks? I am anxious about progress. When is the deadline for them to sign?
  4. Tim Corbin on MLB really loves this kid. He is built for Camden Yards and he will break windows at the warehouse.
  5. I know the players have the skills that makes the team to be successful but how much money is enough? The owners have all the risks and expenses with no guarantee to make money. But I still blame the players and the union. Scott Boras is a cancer to baseball.
  6. I was a Mets fan when I was young, I rooted for them when they came in 1962. 40-120 season.
  7. Does anyone remember the bad start Cal Ripkin had in his first year.
  8. I agree with punishment to Astros. But there are some hypocrisy here. 2 wrongs don't make a right. But what about PED's. The home run from the PED player cheater helped the team win the WS??? What about Arod PED's helped the Yankees 2009 WS. Barry Bonds, Sosa etc. If you want to strip the Astros, then all the teams that had steroids help their team win the WS should have their titles strip too. All teams in any sport who cheated should have their title stripped too!!!
  9. On the bright side, it gives us reason not to rush the young pitching prospects to not hurt their arms to injury.
  10. Didn't we have claim before Seattle?
  11. https://www-baltimorebaseball-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.baltimorebaseball.com/2019/12/20/kyle-stowers-hopes-build-challenging-first-pro-season/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baltimorebaseball.com%2F2019%2F12%2F20%2Fkyle-stowers-hopes-build-challenging-first-pro-season%2F
  12. We have some pitching prospects almost ready, that could be the difference and hope for the future.
  13. It is so hard to stomach the O's rebuild. I know it needs to be done, but it is hard to take. The season hasn't even started yet and we know we are facing a more than 110 loss season. It is so hard watching other teams making moves while we trade away our 2 best players for what little hope we can have for an entertaining season.
  14. Hope all the other teams get stoned and maybe the O's win W.S. Aerosmith sung Dream On!!!!!
  15. The O's made the right move. Bundy was too inconsistent anyway. If one or two players from the deal pan out we come out ahead.
  16. What will happen if this Elias regime is a bust? Will it be a disaster here in B'more?
  17. I thought the Mesa brothers were signed by the Marlins? What am I missing here?
  18. He won't give up on the mountain of money he got.
  19. Is there a run down on the O's International signings today? I am pissed how the Yankees can get the best player? It is all about the money. I have the right to my feelings.
  20. Is there any progress on more signings other than the 20 signed? It seems stagnant right now.
  21. I made a general observation that the Yankees, Rays and Dodgers have had historically great farm systems through drafts, if you read my first comment. I am not going to list every player that that they drafted ever that you said. I am tired of people looking for one negative and ignore the rest of what is written. To you all that have so much pride about the O's and being defensive. But be honest, the O's have not had a great farm system since 1983 I don't care what you want to believe, but the O's don't measure one bit to those 3 teams. Those teams have intelligent people who can recognize talent even if their pick is #30 or #60, they know what their doing, Even if the O's draft a player with awesome talent, they don't know how to develop them, especially pitchers like those teams. So don't like me, but the truth hurts.
  22. Ballinger and Beuler weren't missed draft picks. Who on the O's are that caliber.
  23. How do i know who has signed? Most teams signed at least 1 player, The Yankees already signed 7 players. It is amazing how the Yanks, Rays / Dodgers sign studs year after year, I am soooooo jealous.
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