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Everything posted by oriolediehard

  1. Red Sox are losing 9-2 in the 9th.
  2. Urias, big big triple and run!!!!!!
  3. Who is going to close the 9th?
  4. I hope the GS is a wakeup call!!!
  5. Tater the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. The O's need to spend this off-season on SP, BP, and a high average batter for us to have a good year in 2025.
  7. I am sooooo disappointed with the turn of events of the Orioles!!!!!!!!
  8. I am worried that we may get swept by Houston and the Dodgers and that would be 8 losses in a row! Where will we be as far as a WC after the bad streak????
  9. I hope we are not in the mist of an 8 game losing streak????
  10. Corbin Barnes has not pitched good his last 3 starts. I hope we find someone better this offseason.
  11. Seems like Hyde and Elias prefer veterans!!
  12. Rivera has always been a very low average hitter, probably defense 1st player!
  13. There is no reason that Elias won't trade or spend the market price, because Angelos are out of the picture. Rubinstein says he will do whats needed to win.
  14. We are in serious trouble, way too many injured pitchers starting and BP, lack of timely hitting!!!
  15. Why are the O's so scared that they may score run or runs???????
  16. 2nd and 3rd 0 outs and couldn't score.
  17. Kimbrel would help if he got released!!
  18. Why didn't Gunnar try to score on Taters flyout? I'd rather try and get thrown out at home than doing nothing!!!
  19. How does Cleveland avoid pitcher injuries???
  20. So he can lose to help both NY teams!!!!
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