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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. Yikes. He may have gotten away with one to Kiermaier. Onward!
  2. It’s odd to see Brandon Belt in a Jays uniform…even strangely colored.
  3. Because I was stubborn, cheap, and stupid, I went a couple years sitting in a worn desk chair with a nail that occasionally nipped me in the backside. It wasn’t until all my pants developed conspicuous holes that I went to the storeroom and swapped out a replacement.
  4. At this point in the year it’s six of one half dozen of the other.
  5. That works. Plus I can’t complain at the moment since I am too cheep to pay for cable.
  6. I curmudgeonly hate all extraneous interviews because it is distracting to me. Know they have to distract the players. Our whole society is tweaked out.
  7. Lordy. Hopefully Kremer got his neurotic inning out of the way unscathed.
  8. OMG. This is worse than giving up hard hit smacks….which are probably coming now.
  9. Perhaps nitpicking, but after all that why did Kremer go 3-2 and take 9 pitches to get Rizzo out?
  10. John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman sound world weary and tired.
  11. Frazier!!!!!?????? I can’t watch the game so have to negotiate the delay between GameDay, the radio stream, and this thread. It’s been one long, sweet spoiler alert for me this inning.
  12. I’m dubious his WHIP is going to still look good mid-September. I base this solely on the fact that the couple times I have watched him this year he hasn’t looked good..plus he was cranky. Cranky is bulldog when you are 29, old man when you are 39.
  13. Well, it could be a lot worse. We can still steal this from the maw of disappointment.
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