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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. That’s what I am wondering… what is The O’s share…and is it going to them or MASN? Do the O’s and Jays get an equal share? Do teams like the Yankees and Dodgers make money off these deals? I wonder how they are thinking about organizing the financial structure of a universal streaming service?
  2. I assume they have to pay MASN and whatever thing has rights to broadcast Jays games—-or can MLB exercise eminent domain? I bet the discussions at the winter meeting around the communal streaming idea were interesting.
  3. I wonder if these little side deals are meant to "build relationships" (i.e. Manfred's side hustle) for the day when they decide to go all-in on universal streaming? “I hope we get to the point where on the digital side, when you go to MLB.tv, you can buy whatever the heck you want,” Manfred said in February. That means a world where blackouts wouldn’t be nearly the problem they are today. https://theathletic.com/4409306/2023/04/14/mlb-streaming-tv-blackouts/
  4. Whatever the source of the cash flow, they led the majors in operating income last year https://www.king5.com/article/sports/mlb/mariners/mariners-most-profitable-mlb-2022-forbes/281-22e9d606-563a-4f32-98a3-53786e043499
  5. They should lower the price. Have an ad campaign saying that they changed the rules on and off the field. Baseball is Back! Family, working folk, America. Not hedge funds, venture capital, or ChatGPT. I am pretty sure the cabal of owners would be pleasantly pleased by the profits.
  6. In my other distant brush with greatness I once traveled to see a Ham Fighters game with the vague idea that I could see Ohtani. But he was injured! I got a cool hat though.
  7. I once brushed against Adley as we were both walking to work at Oregon State University. We both mumbled something like sorry bro. In retrospect I feel cheated. We should have hugged it out!
  8. MLB used to be on the (relative) vanguard of making their product readily accessible to folks that wanted to pay for it. MLB TV and the streaming app were forward thinking in the day. But these deals with multiple platforms are indeed obnoxious, and they also seem very five years ago— not five years from now. Early this year there were some rumblings about doing away with blackout restrictions..I think related to one of the mega “regional” sports networks going under. Having a universal streaming service would be innovative.
  9. I just now realized what his screen name was about. LOL I imagined it was some obscure reference to an Appalachian artist collective—which (I know) given his posts made absolutely no sense.
  10. Th OG version with Walter Matthau and Tatum O’Neil. Although, I don’t really remember the sequels, and I never saw the remake with Bill Bob Thorton.
  11. I am a Bad News Bears fan. How can you not like an alcoholic giving life advice to kids?
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