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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. LOL, the ump didn’t grant time. edit: he did actually.
  2. That was a dangerous first pitch.
  3. Renato Nuñez ladies and gentlemen!
  4. They have the most complete fan experience I have seen so far. Cut outs, real people with air horns, out of town scoreboard, fanatic....
  5. I remember getting in a wrestling match with my Gettysburg cousin during the ‘83 World Series. I think I lost the tussle, but I still had a smile on my face.
  6. I think Tanner has a money pitch.
  7. Yeah, I am definitely in the he ain’t really blocking anyone so whatever camp. But he has been so bad you start to think that some dude at the alternate site (no matter what his position) might get some benefit getting reps up in the quasi show. But I don’t really understand what is going on down at the alternate site...or the fancy training plans they have established for everyone.
  8. You would think that his days have to be numbered. The Covid year means he is blocking somebody getting live training work in, not just some live body on the MLB team. How much is a marginal loss worth?
  9. It’s all poppy and new wave-ish with social commentary lyrics so it might not be your current mood. I love it cuz it reminds me of when I was young and hanging out in LA clubs. The musical he did is Passing Strange. Spike Lee filmed it and they played it on Great Performances??? I felt very old.
  10. One of my favorite bands was the Negro Problem. It sort of limited marketing, so Stew (the creative force) ditched the band and did a Broadway musical.
  11. I was listening to a Giants game last week and Jon Miller And Dave Flemming got into a conversation with a boat out in McCovey Cove. Dave would ask a question and the boat would respond with one horn blast for yes and two horn blasts for no.
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