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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. I am far from a doctor, but "shoulder instability" sounds like a euphemism for something not at all conducive to being a MLB pitcher.
  2. Now a double so far today; his BA is .352. I was wrong, I thought at least this year would be a value hole. He did make a critical error in the 2nd....must be chaneling O’s outfield vibes.
  3. And Belt promptly ends it with a single.
  4. Patrick Corbin has a no hitter 2/3 through the 8th against SF.
  5. No hitter gone; Astros have men on 2nd and 3rd nobody out.
  6. Perfecto gone with a walk in the 8th. It is a 1-0 game.
  7. Bartolo Colon has a perfect game through 7 against Houston.
  8. This is obviously not recent, but it gives you the idea.
  9. One thing I have wondered about while drinking beer: how does the length of the contract interact with the total value? For instance, if teams could only at most give out three year contracts, what would be the value of the contract Manny would get? Presumably without long-term deals total value would decrease because right now teams get to amortize the costs and also essentially use credit to buy near term performance.....which to my non-economist mind seems like it would tend to inflate how much teams are willing to shell out. But on the other hand, (luxury taxing aside), many teams don't seem to have near term cash flow issues. Free from the worry of accumulating underwater contracts, I could see the bidding on 3 unfettered prime Manny years getting intense.
  10. There was even a very long discussion of the evidence among the umps before he was thrown out of the game in the first place!
  11. The bean ball to McCann's head was scary. But I guess those hi-tech batting helmets work.
  12. Yeah...I though he had it for a moment.
  13. Insane. Hill gives up a lead off home run in the 10th for the loss!
  14. Forsythe is a lonely man at the moment.
  15. Perfect through 8. Utley saved it with a leaping catch of a line drive. 8th inning ended on a 3-2 strikeout. oh, BTW, the game is tied.
  16. Rich Hill has retired the first 18 Pirates he faced so far. The Dodgers are up in the top of the 7th.
  17. Rosenthal claims that the Giants had an entirely different issue with the physical than the Orioles did. Really? Seems somewhat far fetched. https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/896398867763261440
  18. Some churning and rumbling https://www.mccoveychronicles.com/2017/8/2/16079742/sf-giants-minor-lines-8-1-17-where-is-jack-conlon Either the Giants got scared by the physical as well or we are seeing a practical example of just how much the draft suppresses prospect compensation.
  19. Not an alert because it already ended. But the rookie Kyle Freeland had a no hitter one out into the 9th in Colorado. Melky Cabrera broke it up with a single.....to our old friend Gerardo Parra. The last no hitter in Coors was Hideo Nomo's in 1996.
  20. Yeah, but the risk is small....perhaps a tad less than the smidgeon of good will the area scout might acquire?
  21. I think the more fundamental thing is that they were so discouraged by the physical that they didn't offer the 1 million or whatever he was originally looking for. If you were going to leave the money on the table anyway, why not gamble? Turn him into a knuckleballer. Coming up snake eyes is not going to break the bank. That physical must have really been prognosis negative. I can see not offering the 40% just to be nice. That seems ancillary to the bigger question.
  22. That was essentially our offer. He is getting paid 11 mm next year too.
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