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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. With all respect to the policies here - which should be respected - I think we need to talk about an ex-O named Schilling. And I'm posting that request here - rather than in the main forum - out of respect. We can't ignore it, because it directly affects the player who's been the face of the franchise for a long time. Thank you.
  2. Meh, all it'd take is 1 bad game for Sedlock's career numbers to catch down Akin's. Not so with Akin's big advantage in SO's/W's. Looking at all the numbers, I'd say Akin is a little bit ahead of Sedlock right now. We can wait till June and reassess.
  3. I'm actually expecting Akin to get to Bowie a bit before Sedlock - based on Akin's superior SO/W ratios. But I'd be very surprised if either was promoted before June. Wait and evaluate.
  4. Gotta give credit to Dan when it's due - he is good at making these types of moves.
  5. Sorry if this question has been asked before - What puts him behind Sedlock as a prospect other than Sedlock being drafted ahead of him? (And I'm not saying I disagree with the rankings - I don't know enough to choose between them.)
  6. Jeebus, he's 71 years old. Looking at him, 71 must be the new 40. Happy Birthday, Mr. Palmer!
  7. He did better than I expected, but I still want/expect/demand a lot more home runs out of my RFer.
  8. Well done. I got a hardy... laugh out of that.
  9. I never said it was, but now that you brought it up... we'll never know. It could have gone so many ways considering how many bad calls were made. They might as well have had Vince McMahon officiating the game.
  10. I'm usually the one defending the umps on balls & strikes calls, because they actually get very few wrong other than borderline pitches, but... Joe West either had something against Gausman last night or he was flat out blind. Either way, he was clearly incompetent.
  11. Yeah, if I'm him, it'd be a big letdown. I'm not just out of HS, I've been playing big-time college ball for 3 years. But I'm 21 and not even in high A ball and just pitching 3 innings a game. Challenge me. Let me see what I need to work on.
  12. Is the competition he's facing at Aberdeen much - if any - better than the competition he faced in the Big Ten?
  13. Still wondering how posters here understood this while Duq didn't. Overall, Duq is competent at his job, but he has a horrible record for deadline trades - which didn't improve this year, imo.
  14. When you look at the score differentials of the O's vs Toronto and Bahston, there really shouldn't be any sting. We're +38, Toronto is +88, and Boston is +103.
  15. Btw, while I criticize Duq a lot, that trade for Lee may turn out to be borderline brilliant - especially considering the O's likely wouldn't have used those int'l slots.
  16. Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I said at the time it was a GREAT signing by Seattle and never wavered from that position. And I think everyone's tired of talking about Cruz. But I'll agree with you that the Davies for Para trade was more obviously foolish.
  17. I doubt it affects anything he does as far as future baseball contracts. Seems to me that this is his business, and if I was him, I'd be po'd if a local writer wrote about it.
  18. We have some interesting characters in the minors that could help the O's bullpen at some point - Miranda's a lefty who could be a long man. Maybe Gunkel from the right side. Richard Rodriquez looks solid. Chad Roe will likely get opportunities as long as he does well in Norfolk. And Mike Wright might make the most sense.
  19. Matusz is going to have to have a big year for us as a long reliever (sorry for the temporary hijack).
  20. Like this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_vejfmGQPc
  21. And these young pitchers would be playing for cheap. And this year, we traded our first round pick for Gallardo. This is more than a trend - it's the way the O's front office does business.
  22. LOL, message board impersonations: science or art?
  23. Wow, speak of the devil. Who's next?
  24. The Nick signing remains a mystery to me as the Braves seem to be preparing for a protracted rebuild process. Andrelton Simmons (baseball's top defender) is on the block (supposedly to an unnamed NL West team not named the Giants), ace Julio Teheran is on the block, Mike Minor is available, Cameron Maybin is available. Not really understanding this, because they traded their top prospect for Hector Olivera - who they thought was going to be their 3rd baseman but turns out to be so bad there that they're having him move to corner OF - assuming he stays healthy for a change. And never understood why they acquired Swisher and Bourn. It's looking like a real mess in the Atl.
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