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Posts posted by ChrisP

  1. Why have meetings on speakerphone in your cubicle?



    I have my headphones on next to this guy and the phone is still LOUD.:cussing:

  2. I got home from work the other day and after I parked my car, I was walking by my truck when something caught my eye. There was something on my truck. As I got closer, I found out it was an egg that was smashed on the side of my truck!

    I was broke down on the right shoulder of 70E ramp to 695 2 years ago. I'm on my cell making arrangements for the car and hear a THUD! I didn't know if someone shot the car or what happened. Turned out someone egged the car. What kind of person has eggs on their passenger seat, in slow traffic, sees a broken down car and says "That guy's not having a bad enough day, I have to hit that car with an egg!"

  3. That annoys me triplefold when it's late at night. If there's little traffic at that time of day, what's the use of a traffic light. Many other ones go to blinking yellow at a certain hour, but SO many could also be set to this that aren't.

    Am I allowed to comment here?:P I think blinking lights should be in certain areas from 1am-6am? I'm on the road early in the morning and sit at some pretty dumb lights.

  4. Boo to Poison Ivy.

    My Doc is getting a call by Wed for the steriods.

    It's the only thing I can use to get rid of it. I try to pump iron at the same time to get the "full effect". I also have an excuse for yelling at the wife and kids for a few days. :D

  5. Age verification just to enter a beer web site. Virtual bouncers makin me mad!:cussing:

    HAHA. You can watch their commercials and look at the advertising on tv, but no website access for you.

  6. Waiting to hear if you'll relocate stinks..I'm enjoying looking into a new area and am ready to go now, but I may not hear anything for another few weeks. :(

  7. I just received notice that my college e-mail account will be shut down in a month. I graduated a year ago. This is going to be a pain. Would it really be too expensive to let alumni keep their e-mail accounts?

    I know VT grads have theirs from YEARS ago....

  8. Also at my place of employment is the guy who brushes his teeth after lunch. Ugh. For some reason, when I'm on the can and no one else but the brusher is in there, the sound of teeth brushing annoys the hell out of me. At least close your mouth while you brush! Guh!

    I work with a lot of Indians. Talk about spitting food and taking a bath in the sink...Wash your hands after that...

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