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Posts posted by RocBball11

  1. 9 hours ago, TradeAngelos said:

    He literally said I love what the organization is doing and am "excited" to watch a 30m payroll get smoked for 162 games.  Talk about brainwashed. 

    We've been watching this movie for 20 years, we know exactly what they are doing behind the scenes.

    Not allowing their broadcast team to travel to save a $1000 bucks. That is what they are doing.  

    I’d respectfully disagree. 

    it’s funny as my 20 year memory doesn’t include a top ranked farm system, a fancy Dominican facility, an average of 15 latin singings per year, advanced analytics approach. 

    the John Angelo’s and Elias partnership is grossly different then anything we’ve seen since the hey day of the Oriole Way.




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  2. 43 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    First of all, if they won 10 more games because the young pitchers were way better, that’s a good right.

    Secondly, who is to say the Orioles take the #1 guy, if there even is a consensus #1 guy?  It’s very possible that they could get the guy at 4 that they take 1.  Now, if there is a clear guy, I think they take him but just saying, it’s possible they don’t.  

    If they win 68 games this year, that’s a huge jump but they still suck…at what point do we stop saying wins don’t matter because if a stupid draft pick?  

    At some point, winning has to matter able it’s crazy to me, knowing how bad the franchise has been for most of the last 25 years, that anyone would be satisfied with continued losing.  Elias and the ownership have played the fan base better than a politician.  

    Elias has done the exact opposite. From day one he has stated that they need to invest in baseball analytics, Latin America, and the minors. 

    At the major league level he has stressed development over wins, contract flexibility, and free agents in one year deals that could be moved easily.  He has stated on numerous occasions when the young core is ready to compete the money will be there and the approach will change.


  3. 3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Basically every single team in the major leagues is able to spend resources internationally and development wise, all the while carrying a payroll at least double what the Os will be.

    How is it the rest of baseball can operate this way but the Os can’t?

     I believe the Orioles can and will in a way other mid market teams do. The problem is they are 15 years behind in their build up of these areas. So again when the first waves of the talent arrives and becomes established they will spend. 

    spending now to win 5-10 extra games makes zero sense to me. Plus as others have said the likelihood of any FA signing here now without a massive overspend is very low. We aren’t, nor should we, be offering multi year deals and what pitcher wants to come here on a one year make it or break it deal.

    for our fortunes to change the prospects need to arrive and establish themselves. 2 of the pitchers who have gotten their feet wet MUST become legitimate options.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    That is an extremely Rosey picture and Wells isn’t likely to be moved to the starters role.

    I think it’s a less rosey and more realistic approach. Look around at all the teams who win and their core was homegrown. You add when you believe you have a core ready to win. The goal is that core starts to establish itself this year. Mullins and mountcaatle may have already done so, the expectation is Adley does the same this year.

    pitching is the elephant in the room. Outside of means no “prospect” has taken the bull by the horns. That must happen this year for the next step in the rebuild to occur. If/when that happens you can then look to fill a spot or two in rotation via an acquisition. 

    sitting here today I don’t want my resources being traded away or wasted on another average pitcher (matz]. Those resources need to go to development and Latin America. If as expected the first wave arrives this year and becomes established then you invest in longer term financial commitments at the major league level.

    the FO continues to operate as they said they would. Build from ground up. They also have said from day 1 when the time comes they will reallocated spending to big league club. 

  5. Sportsguy who would you suggest we trade to acquire DeJong and Anderson?

    in theory the idea of more quality stop gaps makes total sense. The problem is devaluing your young controllable assets before you know who is going to make.

    the problem with the orioles in the past is we hung out hats on 1-3 prospects because the system had zero depth. As Mike and team continue to build the depth the worst thing I feel we can do is trade away that depth before we are ready to win. I want that depth here so we can acquire our Justin Verlander when the time is right or trade Erod for Andrew Miller and feel we parted with only serviceable pitching prospect.

    The rebuild only works if the core players come from the prospect list. We need to keep the depth to insure we hit on enough core players to have a foundation.

    We’d all regret two years from now picking the wrong prospect pitcher to trade for a year of Paul DeJong and 5 more 2022 wins

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