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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. The farm system was much worse than we were willing to admit when Elias took over. When the hole is that much deeper it takes longer to climb out into daylight. I wouldn't be shocked if it took until 2024 or later to make the playoffs.
  2. I know what you mean, but I just don't think that is such a bad thing. He's having a solid season, but it's not like he's consistently putting up numbers that scream "send me to the Show". And I don't care if AR plays any percentage of his service time on an O's team that sucks this bad. I'd rather have him play that % time when the organization has a better product on the ML team and in the minors.
  3. I would think it's service time, but because Elias doesn't want to waste service time on O's team that suck.
  4. Pretty sure it's totally about eating innings after a short 2020 season
  5. I don't understand how this team blowing a lead can possibly come as a surprise.
  6. Getting a Josh Towers vibe from him.
  7. It's interesting. I went to see Bowie play in Hartford in early June, and Neustrom grounded out weakly to 2B a few times. He was OPSing .600 and my reaction was "this guy is just filler". Then he posted 319/404/505/909 in June and 296/424/611/1035 so far in July. Shows you what I know. Good for him on his much deserved promotion.
  8. Good thing they focused on pitching in the draft. Oh wait...
  9. Well to be fair, I might be low balling the number.
  10. I gave them a D. I just don't understand how anyone could come to the conclusion that the O's system needs a big time injection of pitching. Maybe Elias sees better pitching options in the international talent pool?
  11. Unfortunately Cabrera also had a 96 BB/9 rate to go along with that
  12. The Giant's first 9 selections were pitchers. They chose a pitcher with 14 of 20 picks. THAT'S what would have made me happy.
  13. Somebody make a meme of Chris Farley as the motivational speaker shouting "For God's sake Elias, draft some pitchers!"
  14. Excellent article. I also had no idea the O's offered him a $23 mm extenstion before his diagnosis and he turned it down.
  15. I don't think it's a matter of "promotion". I think he will start some games because somebody has to eat innings and his arm is still attached to his body.
  16. Cavalry: Building a Pitching Prospect Pipeline - coauthored by Andy McPhail, Dan Duquette, Mike Elias
  17. I was under the impression it was a really good trash can
  18. Machado is earning $32 million a year with a sub-800 OPS. I'd bet SD has a little of that regret percolating.
  19. Exactly this. What is the alternate more appropriate detail laden version of "What Hyde should done" for yesterday's game?
  20. Crazy game with how things can turn around... Mountcastle's OPS by month Apr - .515 May - .748 Jun - 1.187
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