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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. I'm ready for other options than Franco and Ruiz in the infield. They both suck and I'm tired of watching them flail away at the plate.
  2. From yesterday's game... You know Franco is bad when he gets replaced in the 9th by Rio Ruiz for defensive purposes.
  3. If Harvey pitches like this until July, I wouldn't get too attached to him.
  4. I think his fastball was a little elevated, and I would hope to see more of a difference between fastball and changeup speeds. Probably just ML debut adrenaline.
  5. Every time the Yankees lose an angel gets its wings.
  6. Maybe it's the pessimist in me, but I can't see them playing this game.
  7. Morsell can still come back correct? Didn't the NCAA grant seniors one more year of eligibility? Would love to see our entire starting 5 back with a couple of legitimate bench players thrown into the rotation.
  8. Heck... I'd play for free, wouldn't you?
  9. Here's another strange facts. I've played the same number of innings at SS as Adley
  10. In before the thread gets locked. ?
  11. Maybe he got the scoots from drinking the creek water.
  12. That article underscores how bad a program builder he is. Maryland's hopes next year likely rest on Wiggins and Scott not going pro, Morsell getting an extra year of eligibility and freshmen outperforming expectations? Not to mention no player transfers? A coach who can recruit would have good freshmen/sophomores/juniors moving up a year and new freshmen pushing for playing time, with potential transfers being icing on the cake. Turgeon is so bad at program building that he makes Gary Williams look like a premium recruiter.
  13. I disagree with the notion that this was MT's best year coaching, because recruiting and roster building are a longer term aspect of coaching. He only had 5 guys he trusted to be on the court, 1 of his subs was a walk on, and 2 of his subs were transfers (and Hamilton had to get last minute NCAA approval to play). He can't recruit and build a roster pipeline. I think he needs to go.
  14. What do you want/expect Elias to do?
  15. Is Akin really pitching so well this spring that he warrants your initial assumption of being in the rotation?
  16. I'm not sure why it should surprise anybody that this team will struggle to win games.
  17. Now they get to lose to Michigan by 25
  18. Hey... it's not our fault nobody ever checked the jug. ?
  19. My HS friends and I used to pour Natty Boh into a water jug and take it to Memorial Stadium. Sat in the LF seats thinking we were all sneaky and such.
  20. I have a feeling King Felix isn't going to come north with the team.
  21. I think he's shown us the 2nd part of the bolded, it's just a matter of him succeeding with the 1st part.
  22. Certainly a lot better performance than if he struck out three times yesterday
  23. Maybe they can get Jeff Gillooly to ambush him with a baton in the tunnel
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