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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. Hyde isn't depending on him now.
  2. Kimbrel got some outs and provided some innings. But unless he rebounds to 94-95 and cuts down on walks, he is at best a mop up reliever
  3. Especially not when he's throwing 92-93.
  4. Kimbrel's inning was even more awful with all of the walks. Gotta love allowing the lead run on 3 walks, 4 SB and a sac fly. Vomit
  5. I said 2 SB. I must have forgotten the other 2
  6. Someone who doesn't give up run on 3 walks, 2 SB and a sac fly?
  7. I will not be surprised if Kimbrel is released at some point
  8. What are the odds Kimbrel only gives up 1 run?
  9. So you say "countless" decisions. Can you expand with examples?
  10. Have to think Adley is going to get some time at 1B. I would expect Bradfield to be in the CF mix.
  11. Geez RT. Give the new guy a break. 23,000 posts and you've never started a speculative thread looking ahead to the future?
  12. Please expound on your Ummmmmno
  13. With all of the injuries, If the O's win the AL East, Hyde should be Manager of the Year.
  14. I'd prefer that the O's score one more run than the opponent when the game ends.
  15. He can't do worse than Mark Trumbo
  16. I'm wondering if you might feel differently if we go through another stretch like 2018-2022?
  17. All great insight. So what if a Dominican can't miss prospect thinks that $2 million from the Dodgers or Yankees is worth more in the long run than $2 million from the O's?
  18. Mayo looks overmatched and making errors. SSS but this is why you can't assume that a prospect is going to immediately have success at the major league level.
  19. Fair enough. I suppose I want not only dollar equality but I want the same system that is used to determine draft order. I don't understand why there should be any difference in the way teams select domestic players compared to how they select international players
  20. Just curious. Why "No" to an International Draft?
  21. I'm personally glad GRod spoke up instead of keeping it to himself
  22. I'm glad you're done. Because you've shown that you believe anyone outside of the US can jump to the front of the payroll line in advance of any domestic draft eligible prospect. I might think that because you're done you won't have anything else to say, but I know better than that. EDIT: And thanks for putting words in my post. Of course I want everyone to come over. But they should have the same privilege as any draft prospect. Ohtani and Yamamoto should have the same front door as Holliday and Rutschman.
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