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Everything posted by ChipTait

  1. Valdez will bring a fortune in a trade! I’ll muss him.
  2. I'm sure he's going to be great. I'm also sure he needs to open the AAA season in Norfolk and remember how to hit.
  3. 13 games. 3 hits. He'll live. And have many more opportunities.
  4. I'm thinking Valaika. And I'm a Richie Martin fan. Valaika also has reps in the OF.
  5. I tuned in a bit late. What happened with Galvis? Is he IL bound? If so, who comes up, Valaika?
  6. I seek him out as I tune in. If he's not doing TV, I hope he's doing radio. If he's not doing either, I hope for Geoff Arnold. Third choice is the opposing team's broadcast.
  7. I agree with your take on his high school coach. But, at least Ced was smart enough to do some soul searching and make a tough decision. So glad he did! He's been one of the bright stars thus far in2021.
  8. I saw the title and assumed the OP was commenting on Chance Sisco's pathetic bunt attempt. I absolutely loved balls "hit" like that when I was playing catcher in beer league softball. Gave me something to do!
  9. At this point, I’d rather pitch to Sisco than the pitcher.
  10. I got to see him dealing on Sunday. Shame about the bats.
  11. I’ll be there Sunday. Front row (of the upper deck!) behind home plate. I look forward to being part of the first million folks to see a game there.
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