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Everything posted by ChipTait

  1. This is a family message board!
  2. Sure did. Then returned to LF while still wearing his infielders glove! He’s a mad man!
  3. Patty Barrels has been fun to watch. I like guys who can produce a bit at the plate and wear three gloves in the same game. Has he pitched yet?
  4. But he can still play a position. Had he played 1B in the first game Friday night, the O's would have swept the Yankees. No way does he make the error Nunez made. Okay, let me have it!
  5. I agree. I imagine Akin and Kremer will get to pitch in the Bronx this week, so let’s see how they fare the second time around. I’m hopeful, because that’s my nature.
  6. Guys, there was no way he was being “punished” six innings later with the game on the line. Maybe we will hear something tomorrow...
  7. If the Jays had tied the game, the O's would have had to bat their pitcher in the 12th. All the hitters were used up. That was only his 2nd error all year. Stupid error, I'll agree, but...
  8. I watched a good amount of Australian Baseball last season. They play a 40 game regular season over ten weeks which determines playoff seeding for a couple quick three-game playoff rounds. If MLB played 4 per week for 26 weeks, that would be almost 2/3rds of a "normal" season. I'd miss the darn-near-every-day aspect, but I might get a few more things accomplished. Or, I might just invest more time into developing a West Coast-based NL team to be my #2 favorite. It would depend on how the powers that be set the schedule.
  9. In the 11th inning, Sisco moved from DH to C, Holaday from C to 1B, Nunez to 3rd and Ruiz to 2nd. Was Alberto injured? What did I miss?
  10. That's the exact play that came to mind...
  11. At which time he will be even slower on the basepaths than I am!
  12. Like I told my buddy who is a Red Sox fan, “I finally get to root for Mookie Betts!” I also used to really admire Pedroia, who I considered a true pest when he played against the O’s.
  13. Maybe they can get THREE 16-year-olds for him!
  14. Give Akin four innings/60 pitches tomorrow. If all goes well, he gets a save!
  15. I missed Melanie Newman's first opportunity to call a home run, so I had to go back to it after the game to see if she had a "signature homerun call." I was pleased to hear that she didn't seem to have one. She simply described what happened. No "that ball is gone!" No "Goodbye, home run!" No "Hasta la vista pelota!" Which I am fine with. I know having a signature homerun call is important in the minds of lots of great announcers, but sometimes it comes across as forced, or perhaps contrived. Perhaps she will slip into one naturally as time goes by, but until it happens, just describing what happened is okay by me.
  16. The O's could add a few local celebrities/historical figures. Edgar Allan Poe comes to mind. How ironic would it be to have a John Waters cutout at an Orioles game!?
  17. Every year from 1985 - 2018. Scheduling didn't work for me last summer. To my credit, for the last 28 years I have lived 1500 miles from Camden Yards.
  18. Unless it's the Yankees or Dodgers, whoever wins the World Series will be considered a "fluke." I'd like to see the O's sneak into the dance and surprise some folks by advancing to round two. Then they can lose, and go home with heads held high. It would be a great experience for the young guys to taste the postseason.
  19. Through the ten seasons represented here, the Orioles played 31 doubleheaders (none in 2017!) and posted a record of 31-31, with 17 split outcomes. What does this tell us about tonight? Absolutely nothing. Save for the fact that I'm taking a break from setting tile in my bathroom remodel project. Let's play two! (Even if they are 7-inning travesties...)
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