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Everything posted by MurphDogg

  1. Will always be a fan of Kim. He handled himself with grace and dignity in some tough situations with the team. I like that he stuck to his guns after spring training last year. He knew he was a big leaguer and he negotiated for the right not to be sent down and he didn't allow the Orioles to strong-arm him.
  2. Castro has had a weird minor league history. 17 innings of rookie ball, no innings of short-season or low A, 13 and a third innings at high A, no innings at Double AA, and 49 innings at AAA. That is the kind of thing that happens with a four year college senior that is drafted in the 35th round, not a kid signed as a teenager from the DR.
  3. Gerardo Parra is about to go on a rehab assignment and should return from the DL soon. He is sporting a -1.2 rWAR with a .263/.274/.424 line in Colorado.
  4. Any chance we can either get a title change on this thread or close it and start a new Harvey thread?
  5. Gotta lose tomorrow or it turns into one of those flukey streaks that can be entirely ignored.
  6. Replacement level thus far this season. Ridiculous signing by the Braves, doesn't fit into their plans.
  7. Yup. The Red Sox have played the easiest schedule in the Majors thus far and the O's have played the 7th toughest. http://espn.go.com/mlb/stats/rpi/_/sort/sos
  8. At least the suspended player is ineligible for the post season now.
  9. Relying on 75 plate appearances over a full season is foolish. Schoop will probavly be fine. Looking forward to bumping this post.
  10. He is 24 and had an OPS of .788 last year. But sure, stick to those career numbers.
  11. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hunter Harvey pitched 2 innings today at extended spring. No discomfort in groin. Nearing assignment to affiliate <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href=" ">April 28, 2016</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Harvey lives!
  12. You think players would just get a larger piece of the net revenue pie? I doubt it.
  13. The reason that this exists is because there is too great of a difference in salary between free agent players and pre-arb players. The MLB minimum should be higher which would in turn lower the salaries for mediocre free agents. It is crazy how much more money mediocre free agents make than pre-arb and arbitration eligible stars.
  14. That is pretty sweet. Wonder if that was a handmade project.
  15. Yup 9+ K/9 3:1 K/BB, 3 ERA reliever. What garbage.
  16. I would be interested in seeing a list of 4-year free agent contracts where the player accrued under 2 WAR in the first season of the contract while playing 140+ games. I can't imagine that many such deals were considered successes after the fact. The fact that a team with no intention of winning for the first two years of his contract ultimately signed him makes the deal all the more baffling. I wish that Nick had stayed here for his sake, he could have been an inner-circle Orioles Hall of Famer and been a celebrated member of the franchise's history for decades to come. To have given that up over a relatively small amount of money will always bum me out a little.
  17. Markakis continues his march towards a 1.8-2 WAR season. Riveting stuff.
  18. Welp, his OPS is now over .750. It was too early.
  19. 9 games for a position player is ALWAYS way too early. Let's not go nuts on how good he would have to be to get to a .750 OPS. There are 51 games left and he has played in 9 games. In order to finish at .750 at the same rate he has been playing, he would need to OPS .779. Hell, if he led off tonight's game with a home run his OPS would jump from .584 to .696. The eyeball test isn't great but I think it has as much if not more value than 41 plate appearances worth of stats.
  20. Let's just hope that Parra maintains his current pace. If he does, then I have no complaints at all.
  21. Seconded. Trading for someone (Parra) at the apex of their value seems unwise. What is the perception of the package the Jays got for Revere? The high walk rates of both pitchers jumped out at me.
  22. Technically that was before the window, as our season had yet to end. The window is the two weeks ( I believe) after the World Series.
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