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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. I don't hate the idea of a Hays/Mullins platoon if you can't move one of them this offseason. It would get expensive and hurt their trade value. I am not sure how either will be viewed by other teams this offseason.
  2. I want the infield to begin 2023 to be Upgrade at 1B, Westburg 2B, Mateo SS, Henderson 3B. I want Ortiz to force his way up and replace Mateo turning him into an IF/OF Super utility guy. I want Norby to be getting consistent starts at 1B in AAA. Urias should not be a starter next year.
  3. I like Mateo and I think he should be the starting SS to begin the year. I am hoping/expecting that once Ortiz proves his hit tool improvement is real then he should be up and providing elite defense and average or even plus offense. I would love to see our prospects develop to the point that Mateo is a super utility guy getting 4-5 starts each week.
  4. I would like to pick more than one but that was not the question. But, I am going to cheat a little. I will pick Bradish as well but I am hoping it is Westburg!
  5. Well, as a coach I tend not to blame coaches. I think that the coaching has probably been fine. Many players have thrived under Fuller's coaching in the minors and I am confident that he is "teaching and preaching" the same things. There is an adjustment (perhaps stubbornness) for the older players before they embrace a new approach. I think the wall has hurt some guys more-so than the coaching. Some of that you can quantify but some (mental/approach) you can't.
  6. I would prefer to see Gunner play 3B at least until we can find out if Ortiz can sustain his hit tool. We might be able to have two elite defenders with above average OPS at both positions.
  7. Do you think that Stowers and Hays would be a good platoon? Can Stowers handle LF in OPACY?
  8. I really like the idea of Muncy as our 1B. I see Mateo beginning at SS next year and hopefully Ortiz starts off hot and proves he can hit well enough to be an MLB regular. His defense is plus if not elite. Mateo may be able to evolve into a true super utility guy in the IF and OF and get 4-5 starts a week and be a weapon off the bench with the new rules.
  9. I am very much in agreement on all of this. I really want to see what Westburg can do if given the lionshare of PT at 2B. I think that Ortiz starts at AAA but gets a call up if he hits early. But, I would like to see an upgrade at 1B if possible. I would like to see an Infield of an upgrade at 1B, Westburg at 2B, Mateo at SS (until Ortiz is up) and Gunner at 3B. I would like to see an upgrade in LF.
  10. This is my question and what I want to hear folk's opinion. What would you do or like to see? I would like to add an OF or maybe a 1B if I can move RM. I don't want a DH type nor do I want to block Westburg, Cowser and perhaps one or two more. I am very interested in Norby and would like to see him get some time at 1B moving forward.
  11. They certainly added talent early in that window. You can't knock them for that. The failure was poor decision on who to keep and who to get rid of and then holding on too long when they could have retooled instead of having to completely rebuild. These two situations are apples and oranges. Those were veteran laiden teams and this is a very young team. There were no prospects in the system that were ready to make an impact on the MLB team.
  12. Who would you consider to be the position prospects that you wouldn't block? To me, for 2023 it's Henderson, Westburg and Cowser.
  13. Here is a bit of a catch 22 for the 2023 season. We have several good to solid position player prospects who are either MLB ready or close to MLB ready (meaning at the higher levels) AAA: Ortiz, Westburg, Cowser, AA: Mayo, Norby, Hernaiz. I would think the AAA guys are in line for MLB debuts in 23 and perhaps Norby as well. Do you give them a shot next year or do you bring in someone as a FA or via trade who "blocks" them? And by blocks them, I mean players who are legit MLB players who will require significant commitment in payroll and or years to acquire. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised and maybe even expect a little regression next year as this year has been an outlier as far as the number of wins improvement over last year. I think I would sign two pitchers (1 tier one and one tier 2) and maybe a corner OF and then play prospects as much as possible next year.
  14. I guess we should file this one under the “It didn’t age well.” The kid has been amazing and has made a big impact already.
  15. The pick last night on Gunnar’s dive play was excellent. Exactly what I was talking about. Soft hands and back in line with the throw. It was nice to see. I hope it continues.
  16. For me Voth and Kremer are pretty close. I would give the slight edge to Kremer actually just because to me (without looking it up) it seems that he has done it a little bit longer but they are close. I don't trust Watkins at all. I'd be okay with him as a swing guy but I'd rather that there are guys who pass him and he's not back next year at all.
  17. He absolutely does. But as you said he is erratic and makes some really bad mistakes that seem to really hurt the team. I guess that's magnified when the team struggles to score runs.
  18. You are right, his defense has been very good lately. But, I hate how he swipes at one hop throws. I yell at my TV every time and he misses about as many as he picks. He it is so aggressive and hard that he often knocks the ball away. Additionally, he swipes across his body instead of on a line back towards the direction of the throw. I have always taught guys to make your hands soft but he does the opposite. To be fair to him though, I am seeing more and more guys do this. I am not sure if it is the in vogue way of teaching it now or if it simply looks cooler.
  19. That is a good point and I agree. And he had quite the debut. I am not sure why Hyde keeps sending Odor out there but he certainly displays a lot of confidence and loyalty to him. I am not sure of his contract status but I think this is the last year of his TX deal so I hope we won't still be talking about this next year.
  20. He certainly could and I hope he does but, my point was that it is not a certainty and actually is not likely.
  21. Okay, I'll say it. Bringing Gunnar up may in fact hurt the O's playoff chances. While I agree that he should be up let's not pretend that it is not more likely that he struggles for a few or even several weeks, like most do when first promoted. He may, in fact hit at Odor/Mountcastle levels for an extended time. Again, I am saying that he should be up, he should get the lion's share to the playing time and it is better for his and the O's long term success for him to make his debut but he is likely not going to perform at a level of being a savior.
  22. 1. Glad he is coming up 2. He will be on the postseason roster (if there is one). ME will figure it out. 3. He will struggle some as most do when first called up. 4. It will be interesting to see if he platoons with Urias at 3B. (I hope not). 5. Or, does he supplant Odor at 2B? 6. Would like to see him play 1B some because Mountcastle is killing us most of the time. Unless it's the Blue Jays. 7. Was really hoping Westberg was coming to play 2B.
  23. I have thought about Mayo moving to 1B but it would be a waste of that arm. It may be the best fit though. I hadn't heard anyone suggest Kjerstad at 1B but you make a strong argument and I think I like it.
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