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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. I am of the opinion that the best players in each generation would likely still be one of the best players of this generation assuming they had modern day training and development opportunities.
  2. LOL, no he hasn't done anything to me personally. He is just a player that I don't enjoy watching play the game. We have way too many better prospects in the system to spend time trying to see if he might be, possible could be, you never know, a league average DH.
  3. I don't ever want to see DJ in an Orioles uniform again. Whether he received multiple chances or not, I have seen all I need/want to see. He is a bad baseball player (when compared to MLB peers) and has little to no potential to change that. I'd rather see any one of a half dozen borderline prospects than DJ Stewart.
  4. I think (like most of you) that these guys are placeholders so I really don't care who plays amongst this group. Odor was brought in IMHO to be a cheap veteran presence who they hoped would play well enough to flip if possible. He is clearly a leader on the team so, I am okay with him playing. I think they may be doing the same with Mateo. I enjoy watching him play and when he does get on base... he is exciting to watch also.
  5. It is extremely difficult and rare for a MLB team to relocate. There have only been 13 in the history of MLB. Most were in the 50's and 60's. Obviously, the Nats were the most recent in 2005. Prior to that it was the Senators 50 years ago in 1972. I guess there's a chance they could move but it is very, very, very low. MLB has the anti-trust exemption which separates them from the NFL which is basically powerless to stop teams from moving.
  6. Haven't you learned anything while here at the OH... ERA means nothing!
  7. I was actually thinking about this yesterday as AR was at DH. In order to play Mancini, Hyde weakend two positions. Santander in LF and of course Trey in RF. Trey is starting to cause a playing time issue and when Stowers is ready he is blocking him and others. He provides little position flexibility. This will continue to be an issue all year as AR sees time at DH. They aren't going to regularly sit Mancini so he needs to go. I like and respect Trey as much as anyone but he doesn't fit on the roster anymore.
  8. I think I would slightly prefer Martin to Owings. Neither really brings much. The only reason I say Marting to the bigs is to free up space at AAA. Other than that I don't care.
  9. Welcome. I hope you choose to post and enlarge the discussions here at the OH
  10. I wonder how many of these guys referred to in the tweet didn't go in as a member of their original team. That would seem to be a very low number to me. If I am right, that would provide some context and weaken his point.
  11. I voted No. I wouldn't be upset if they did. I don't even think he should be in the HOF. Although he chose not to go in as either an Orioles or a Yankees player, he clearly has aligned himself more with the Yankees. He is the one who chose to pose next to his plaque in a Yankees jersey. He didn't pose in an Orioles jersey. That tells me he chose sides. I was done with him when he left. I don't really know who was at greater fault but neither side handled it well. He has always struck me as not being a team guy even when in NY. BTW, just read the twtter thread. Buster does seem to have some weird fixation on this. Even fans from other teams are calling him out for regularly finding reasons to bash the O's specifically.
  12. One of the best posts in the history of the Hangout.
  13. The had to DFA him to get him off the 40 man. Optioning wouldn't have helped. They had already optioned him.
  14. I can see Mateo playing nearly every day as a super-utility giving a different guy off 5 or 6 days a week. I don't recall if he has played much CF but I am sure he can handle the corners.
  15. It is usually in early June but it doesn't look like the schedules are posted yet.
  16. He was just a placeholder... Now we have a new placeholder.
  17. Guys like Gutierrez, McKenna, and Owings. will be gone as soon as they become Arbitration eligible if not sooner. Odor wouldn't be here if he wasn't a league minimum guy. Even guys like Nevin, Bannon and Jones would fall into the same category. They are all just placeholders until the highly rated prospects are ready. No one will block those guys. Until then, it is just "insert name here!"
  18. I don’t think Mountcastle sets up well and I really don’t like how he tries to scoop. He is very aggressive with his glove and to me, when a player does that he is creating hard hands and either fields it cleanly or literally knocks the ball away.
  19. That's why I said big picture. It delays it for a short time. I can't foresee any scenario based on this injury where his development is affected by anything other than a few weeks. No big deal unless it leads to a more severe injury. But, this is nothing on the developmental scale IMHO.
  20. In the big picture of his development, this is just a blip. It shouldn't really set back his development much if at all.
  21. Hopefully, this is the last look at what he can (read: Can't) do before he is released or best case, traded to someone for an International slot.
  22. Other people really and truly don't care about who makes what money. They both make too much money off of the fans. The fans, IMHO, are truly the game. Without them, it wouldn't matter who played and who owed they team. It's the age old question about a tree in the woods falling. If someone hit a home run and no one was there to see it would it really matter? I am not on either side. I just want to follow and root for my favorite team. I am willing to invest my time and money towards that goal. I read this thread to get quick updates on the negotiations.I get that there is not much else to talk about but this constant back and forth about who deserves what is tiresome. I ignore it most of the time but, sometimes I just get frustrated and chime in with my two cents worth. I will now go back to ignoring it.
  23. Not sure if this was in response to my post or not but I will respond anyway. I never said the owners should make what ever they want. My point was that I don't care how much either makes. I made the true statement (IMO) that the owners will ALWAYS make their money. I never said they had a right to.
  24. I amend my previous statement. You are 100% correct.
  25. I am not sure how to respond (and if I even want to) to the ignorant part of your comment. So I guess I will just say that was probably a little harsh and let it go. Yes MLB is the best league in the world and it's because the best players want to play here because its already the place that they can make the most money and fame. People in Japan want to see MLB because they rarely get the chance. But, I would venture to say that they follow their favorite local team more so than any MLB team. Ironically, MLB popularity was built when there was a reserve clause. It was also the only real pro sports league. I never said that prices wouldn't go up. That would be a stupid thing to say... I also would say that it is ignorant (meant in jest) to believe that salaries don't play a large part of prices in sports. So, (in theory) if salaries hadn't escalated to the degree they have neither would have prices. I completely agree that there is not going to be any reduction in prices which was my point in saying that I thought the back and forth about who should make what is a waste of time. See we agree. I appreciate the compliment. I tried to live a simple life!
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