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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. Thanks for trying to speak for me but you are completely wrong. I never said that underslotting wasn't part of it. Clearly it was. That doesn't mean that it was the only part of it. ME says that he's the guy they wanted and I don't have any reason to think he is lying.
  2. This is one of the things I hate about this board. There are a few guys who discount others thoughts and opinions by saying that they are wrong. When in fact I may be wrong in your opinion. I certainly know how the slotting system works!! Thanks for being condescending.
  3. Thanks for sharing your OPINION. I shared mine. You don't have to agree with it. It doesn't lessen the value of it.
  4. He was passed over by three teams (not one) after the Torkelson pick. My big issue is that they ranked him 16th. That is just way too high for me. I think it shows a lack of reflection and self evaluation. It also shows that they probably had the rankings done prior to the draft and just fine tuned afterwards.
  5. I couldn't agree more. You said much more succinctly that I did. I think they are stubbornly high on Martin. It made them look somewhat bad when three teams passed him over after Torkelson was taken.
  6. I guess I am suggesting a few things. First, BA is extremely slow to admit that the had a prospect/draftee rated too high or too low. Second, I am suggesting that it is a farce to have Martin ranked 16th when three teams passed on him after Torkelson was taken (not just the O's). Signability has not been an issue with Martin so, it is safe to say that there seems to be at least somewhat of a consensus that he was not the second best prospect in the draft. But mostly, I really dislike BA's self-bias' it rivals only ESPN. BA shoves prospects down our throats until they are complete busts. They are slow (if ever) to recognize they were wrong. ESPN hypes whatever they are broadcasting to the point where I stopped watching it several years ago.
  7. His 99 ranking and Martin's 16 rankings are completely based on their draft ratings. There is no way BA admits to any suggestion that they were wrong. They will continue to rank Martin higher unless he (Martin) is a bust. That's always been their standard operating procedure.
  8. With the schedule the way it is the O's may be a lock for the 1-1 next draft. It is a brutal schedule with 60% or more of the schedule against the Yankees, Red Sox, Rays, Braves, and Nationals. Toronto, Mets and Phillies should be decent. Just the Marlins who should be on our level and we only play them 5 times? Anything can happen in a short season but....
  9. Yes, but I would hardly call it a stadium. I can't believe that pro players played there. Its small for legion ball.
  10. Because he has been mocked significantly on this board as not being a very smart guy. Never mind!
  11. Frankly, I expected to see a Sid Thrift reference in the first three posts.
  12. IIRC, this is true. Could Mountcastle develop into a guy that DH's 2-4 games a week and then moves around a little between 1B, 2B, 3B, LF the rest of the time?
  13. Yes it is real. Very old school. That's what we did in the 70's and 80's. I played against Traber in high school. He came across as a bully and I don't think he changed much by looking at that video. He was not a good guy back then. He is by far my least favorite Oriole player. Having said that, I am glad he got through his medical issues.
  14. According to sources, the Orioles are parting ways with minor league hitting coordinator Jeff Manto, minor league catching coordinator Don Werner, special assignment pitching instructor Ramón Martinez, Single-A Frederick manager Ryan Minor, Keys pitching coach Justin Lord and hitting coach Bobby Rose, short-season Single-A Aberdeen development coach Jack Graham and Rookie-level Gulf Coast League field coach Carlos Tosca. Also, Calvin Maduro and Scott McGregor were let go.
  15. Let's be happy for Mike that he is having a solid year. Who knows if he'll do it again. I would have liked to have seen the O's give him a chance with the big club but it didn't work out. I keep checking back on this thread for information on guys we purged but, it has been hijacked by little Yaz and lots of people just repeating themselves. This thread was about guys we purged at the deadline last year. It's way off track now.
  16. This... Nats fans stink!!!
  17. I enjoy an O’s win over the Nats as much as a win over the Red Sox or Yankees!
  18. No mention of the scouting and development purge? Seems like progress to me.
  19. I think the hiring of Chris Holt will be up there too.
  20. I think he'll make it to the last year and likely finish out the contract. I don't see him walking away and I don't see the O's eating it either. I think the plan is to be historically bad again next year so, I can see a true pitching prospect coming up here and there but, I don't see any of the position prospects coming up (other than September) until next summer.
  21. Wow! Adrenaline is a powerful thing. If he can maintain that, he may have just ensured his next FA contract as a back end BP piece.
  22. Wait, What? Is this true??
  23. I have often said that there is a lot of hidden talent in DII, DIII and JuCo. I am glad to see that Elias has the means to find it.
  24. I was not saying that Washington shouldn't get or didn't deserve its own team. I am simply disputing the claim that they didn't lose that many fans or that it was due to poor O's teams. I am sure that most of Maryland is still O's territory but MoCo and PG (two of the most populated) are not.
  25. Wow! This alone should cause you to be banned.
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