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Everything posted by Babypowder

  1. It’s about average for a regular, below average for a regular at 1B.
  2. A lot of baserunners and a lot of contact again last night. Swinging strike rate an K% are still way down from his career norms. His last two starts were better but this one dropped back off. I'm still concerned.
  3. That's the legend. The numbers of beers is also disputed by accounts, but by all accounts it was an absurd amount. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" did an episode in reference to it, where the gang tries to replicate it.
  4. He’s missing bats lately. He was allowing an alarming amount of contact early, so it’s good to see that correcting.
  5. I'm going to get way out on a limb here and suggest that .444 BABIP is not sustainable.
  6. His problem is worse than Jones right now... and Jones offense was great as an above average defensive center fielder. It would not have been very good as a defensively challenged left fielder or first baseman.
  7. Trumbo isn't hitting major league pitching. How many minor league outfielders can put up something near a .699 OPS in the majors?
  8. I'm pretty confident Pedro Alvarez could do better vs RHP even if you don't want to trust one of the youngins. Trumbo has a sub .700 OPS vs RHP. We can easily find someone to best that.
  9. That is actually true for most players. It was something many people here brought up when he was signed. The DH penalty is real.
  10. Can you in 2017? Trumbo has a 84 wRC+ this season. His bat has been worth -11.5 runs. He has no use on a team trying to win. He provides no value in any facet of the game.
  11. One year sample sizes on defensive metrics aren't very useful when evaluating true talent, as always. He was a negative defender just last year, in Atlanta. For his career, the metrics have Markakis around average which seems just about right to me. He was pretty good in his youth and declined from there. Even with positive ratings this year, he's going to likely end up a below average starter. If you like rWAR, he's been equal to Adam Jones in value this year. He's got that going for him.
  12. I think PED is most obvious in football, myself. I would guess that the majority of players are on something. I just don't understand why in football no one cares and in baseball it's treated as some sort of heinous crime.
  13. I'll never understand it. Every baseball player who gets caught is a villain forever. Ray Lewis reportedly uses a banned substance for several years and I hear a few jokes about it for a day and it's never mentioned again. He's still worshipped.
  14. You believe the difference between Parra and Snider over the next 60 days is postseason vs. no postseason?
  15. I do think that, which is why I think this is an unnecessary debate anyway, because the O's would have to go to that unreasonable level to get a guy 2 months away from his big pay day during a career year to extend anyway.
  16. Well I disagree, even if he agrees to a deal before hitting the market, at the time of the trade you have him for 2 months. That's all. Any extension, which I see as extremely unlikely 2 months away from free agency anyway, would be paying market rates after the fact. Something that could be done just as easily in the offseason.
  17. Why would he agree to a deal he couldn't have gotten in free agency? If they do extend it will be at free agent market costs. So, there is no difference. The trade is for 2 months.
  18. Because Delmon Young is a below replacement level player and won't help the team?
  19. So you carry him for a month and cut Pearce so you can have a pinch hitter in September? You're aware that Delmon Young is a terrible major league baseball player yes? He's super valuable, which is why he already has another job...
  20. He wants to devote a roster spot to a strict pinch hitter apparently. Smart. He apparently also thinks Delmon should have a spot over Pearce. Also smart.
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