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BoltonBob last won the day on September 29 2017

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About BoltonBob

  • Birthday 01/15/1953

Personal Information

  • Location
    Bolton Hill, Baltimore, now Clearwater
  • Interests
    Sports, Life, People, Social Justice
  • Occupation
    Retired, Volunteer w/1st Responders CERT program
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Steve Johnson
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Brooks, Cal

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Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

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  1. That would be me BoltonBob, now in Clearwater, Fl........ Hi folks!
  2. What He Said! That said O's brass and Buck have to look at the younger, longer term folks now while things are still in the "developmental stage." :scratchchinhmm::scratchchinhmm: Look for Lew in Aug again to stabilize and bring energy/(and laughs) to the team. Good solder. Ready in a moments notice if needed. :2yay-thumb::2yay-thumb::clap3::clap3: I can't wait!
  3. INJUSTICE!! As a good company man he will accept this graciously. Seeing Buck on Thurs before 7pm game vs Rays, thanks to O's fan from Boston. (Thanks Jim). Plan to bring up Lew (who fixes teammates' computers) and Steve J. opening in Balt. Really need Lew to fix my laptop, as some drunk (may have been me, I don't remember) spilled a white Russian in/on it. Just don't make these things durable.... Would never happen to a typewriter. Pricing Notebooks, now - had one last year from Best Buy after leaving old laptop one on top of car (Think Lew and his wallet) leaving Hooters. Like 9hr battery life and easy to carry. (Returned it when it froze up and I got home to Balt.)
  4. Lew has the "want to" Buck talks about, Hustles, can steal a base, and fill in OF. If he can "be ready" in a back-up role (a learning experience), I put him on OD roster (w/Steve Johnson - another "want to" guy.) Youngsters go to minors and "earn their way" here. If you have to dump/ship them both out in May, June... to make way for the next Manny or Gausman/Bundy.... So what? Saved a year of arbitration, and made kids "earn position." Steve J. and Lew have shown the "Oriole way" of old. That kind of stuff stays around and is contageous.... Sorry if dome folks disagree! (Not really)
  5. Perfect analogy - Al Bumbry, Curt Moton, Curt Blefrey, Joey O, Note McLouth, Travis Driscoll, Rod Lopez, Dave Johnson, and Steve Johnson to name a few bring a lot to the table when it comes to "pieces to puzzle," clubhouse chemistry, and "want to." And they know their place and how to stay ready..... and they're "cheap" so you have money to spend on others, or slots for Minor Leagers to fill/try out (Think Manny and X)
  6. Phooooey on your "want". Great role model for young guys - and can steal, play all 3 OF positions. Character!
  7. <p><p><p>Hey Bob, I tried giving rep for the spring training updates (tiki bar high life comment), awesome story about Lew Ford also. Keep enjoying spring training for all of us.</p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p>BoltonBob (and wife Cathy, when she's not shopping) here from Clearwater, 1225 S Highland Ave 33756. Finally settled in. Still have rental until Feb 8. </p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Fuzzy's, Norton's Southside, Quick Red Fox, Two Bucks, Mugs on Missouri, Frenchies (pick one) and Shepards. Chick-a Booms have all welcomed me back.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Mugs on Missouri may agree to be O's HQ FL - Love to meet you for a cold one. rbrinkmanbob@hotmail.com is personal email. </p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Haven't forgotter the Ft. Lauderdale tips you provided in 2002 for me. Iraq war started that week.</p></p></p>

  9. <p><p><p>Happy Birthday</p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p>Hey ScOtt, just returned from 2 months hangut in Cocoa Beach - found a 2fer1 Tiki Bar, spent mornings sitting around and in the Motel 6 ($280 a week) swimming pool.... Will look for the pics. Bob</p></p></p>

  11. <p><p><p>Bob, was just looking at weams' homepage, saw your comment. I would LOVE to see the pics from Tony's party! I didn't even know any existed!</p></p></p>

  12. <p><p><p>Enjoy your recaps, Wally.. Been a fan since 1958, when Dad took me to a Yankee/O's game @ Memorial Stadium! Mantle, Maris in OF, Berrra and W. Ford as batterymates. COOL. BoltonBob 410-340-5391, rbrinkmanbob@hotmail.com .... often buy extra tics, hang out @ Sliders before/during games such as tonight May 22 O's /Boston.</p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p>You can post that all in the Hangout club with both Tony and my permission. Thanks for sharing.</p></p></p>

  14. <p><p><p>Hey Michael!! Just got back and on Hangout (had to find log in password). Go Stu Go..... is how we modified it in Bradenton (Pirates and good food) and Dunedin (bit stiff stadium, but $5 beer in the 5th inning every game), before returning to Ed Smith stadium.... Go Chevy Go...... was next new cheer (Chavez) and ushers liked.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Have 30 tics to Tues May 15 Yankee game... Doing fundraiser for our Emergency Response Teams... $25 each includes a pregame beer and slice of pizza @ TURPS, 1317 N. Charles St. Also have 20 Phillies @ BMore Fri June 8, for another one if first one successful.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Any chance I could post this? Don't know protocol.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Found really neat pictures of 1st Hangout gathering 2002 and ST that year in Ft. Lauderdale, just before Tony shipped out. Steve Melewski, Scott, Chris, John, Sports guy (Rob) and others.</p></p></p>

  15. <p><p><p>Stu! Stu! Stu!</p></p></p>

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