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CanadianOriole last won the day on May 29 2015

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About CanadianOriole

  • Birthday 11/09/1976

Personal Information

  • Location
    Prince Edward Island, Canada
  • Interests
    Baseball, basketball, football, live music, jazz, jambands, literature.
  • Occupation
    Director of Client Services for HR Consulting Firm
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Zach Britton
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Mike Boddicker

CanadianOriole's Achievements

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

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  1. Absolutely not - terrible guy to bring into the this clubhouse. Hardest possible pass.
  2. Well, it's better than Chapman - I'll say that. I think it's reasonably unlikely that Kimbrel is as good next year as say Jacob Webb was for us. Not a move I can support given the limited dollars we're willing to spend.
  3. So there's a handful of games in April and May we have to live with being blown until he gets removed from the role. Given his veteranosity and the likely dollar commitment, probably best to root for him to be really putrid early and force our hand to get him banished to lower leverage. If he manages just mediocre for a while he'll still be in high leverage roles in the critical parts of the season and we'll end up with him blowing key games down the stretch. Being a fan of this franchise is exhausting some times.
  4. May has some of the best stuff in all of baseball and has a non-zero chance to be the Dodgers best pitcher this year. His upside is enormous, the Dodgers aren't trading him for Cedric Mullins. Trevor Bauer is a serial harasser of women online, had a restraining order filed against him by a woman in Ohio even before the most recent allegations against him in California, and is a straight up despicable human being. I've stuck by the Orioles for 40 years but would 100% drop the team and boycott all games, merch, etc if they acquired Trevor Bauer from the day arrived.
  5. Definitely deserve to fall behind after that terrible bunt play. That’s karma.
  6. Done after 5 - 5 ip. 2h 0 runs 2bb 6k. 71 pitches. Command wavered slightly in the 4th and 5th. Showed a good aptitude for fielding the position starting a DP to get out of the 4th. No balls hit particularly hard all night - couple runners made it to second over the course of his outing, but it didn’t really feel like Binghamton was likely to score.
  7. 3 ip 1 h 0 runs 0 bb 5k to start tonight. Hit was an opposite field grounder that beat the shift. Mixing pitches well and hitting 98 on the fastball. These hitters are overmatched this far.
  8. Will definitely watch some of it - I'll be flipping around to some of the better games as well as the Orioles won't be contending for one of the many playoff spots - but I'll watch some of the O's game for sure.
  9. A great post-GD Shakedown Street from Dead bass player's Phil Lesh and Friends with the great jazz player John Scofield. [video=youtube;MimBFN0VBys]
  10. You have my full support for this important cause!
  11. Ouch! Maybe I should have went with a younger picture of Jerry - he was looking pretty shaky his last few years. In an realted note - your avatar bears a striking resemblance to Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh:
  12. As a guy on an Orioles message board with a Jerry Garcia avatar - the intersection of those two worlds in this thread is a constant delight to me.
  13. I agree, I think it's certain as well - and likely soon. Maybe not within 5 years - but I'll take the under on a 10 years over/under bet.
  14. The players would still be human. The two teams of humans would just get to play with the right calls being made.
  15. <p><p><p>Bud Norris has filthy stuff. Get him the W here.</p></p></p>

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