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Everything posted by Fan4Life

  1. Agreed. Seems to me Baker and Bauman have not been great coming into non clean innings recently. This game wasn't a must win I suppose.. but these type of losses can start something we don't want.
  2. I have more Trust for Baker / Bauman entering a clean inning.
  3. I thought he look very good for 4 innings, so so in 1, and not good in 1. His inability to throw a strike in the 6th when he needed to wasn't good at all to me. His pitch count wasn't bad, breaking balls were in the dirt, fastballs out of the zone. I give the effort a B-. With all that said, I probably would have stuck with him instead of Baker / Bauman which I don't trust at all coming into a non-clean inning.
  4. Is there ever a situation where you bring in Cano to get get you out of the 6th? If so, was that one?
  5. I'm more in line with what I heard on the broadcast yesterday, if the Angels can't resign him, trade him. If they play to resign him, trade him and resign him in the offseason.
  6. I'm not interested in giving up any of our top 15 prospects for less than half a year rental. I like the Goldschmidt option, and either of the 2 Cardinals pitchers SG suggested. If we can get those, or other similar options done using: Stowers, Hall, Pieto/Norby/Ortiz.. and some 15-20 prospects. If not, I'll double down with what we have.
  7. You mean handsome? I'd be concerned about no runs and hits for 8 innings.
  8. Statistically there very similar and both throw Right although Gilbert has done it longer. Do you have a preference?
  9. Is Stowers on a rehab assignment at Aberdeen?
  10. I prefer Mountcastle to AAA at least until after the trade deadline. Grayson up, Irvin to the bullpen and throw a dart at any of the middle relievers to send down
  11. And what move to make to bring up Grayson?
  12. This morning's article by Roch. We definitely have some roster choices to make. How do you think we should deal with it? https://www.masnsports.com/blog/what-changes-are-coming-to-orioles
  13. This makes no sense. He doesn't make the right moves but he has a team with the smallest payroll and the 3rd best record? LOL If anything this proves he knows what he is doing and deserves his ego.
  14. Coming into the season there were many pundits expressing how our FO failed this offseason because they essentially stayed pat. Now, once again, he is laughing at the neigh-sayers. I trust that he won't mortage our future for some name brand player(s). He has gotten us this far, #1 Farm system, how can you not trust him?
  15. An overall good job here. I am a disappointed in Adley coming off last year and the first 2 months of this year. Cano for whatever reason has bene pitching higher in the zone to me than the first couple months. His sinker used to end up below the strike zone, lately (although not as much recently) it's staying up and a lot more comnact. Batista is another Jose Mesa etal for me. He can be killer great, or awful, all in the same game and even the same at bat. He lost his feel for the sinker a while back and it seems to come and go now. His fastball plays well enough to mow down the typical ML batter. All of our starters are capable of giving you 5-ish innings of 1 run baseball on any given day, or, a 4 run first inning. Based on these grades, we should be able to clearly see what our needs are to reach the finsh line. Either via trades or hoping the disappointing players can pick up their game.
  16. Day off tomorrow, should have brought Felix back out in the 10th. Not sour grapes.. was thinking this as soon as I saw Akin warming up.
  17. Urias is a likely trade candidate so that may help your dreams...
  18. I think this is generally true. We don't have anyone that can consistently get into or past the 7th on a regular basis. That said, any of these 4 on any given day can match anyone else's #1. It's just a gamble as to who shows up on that day.
  19. Yes I see. What roster move will we make when Mountcastle returns? Also, is is even an option for Mateo to go down to AAA and work out his hitting issues? He seemed to have much better plater discipline in April than since.
  20. So I haven't read through the entire thread.. apologies in advance as I am sure you have already posted your ideas.. but if you don't mind, what would you move to obtain what it will take to get us over the top and still be set in the future?
  21. Agreed. Can they be part of a package?
  22. We are going to need some trade bait to pickup a solid bat and a #1/2 pitcher. Getting as many guys playing time to up their value is good strategy. Players I would be open to moving: Mateo / Ortiz (Keep one) Frazier O'Hearn I think I'd like to keep Gibson, Bradish, Wells and Kremer, need someone better than all of them at the front. Bullpen arms I would also be open to moving. Keep either Baker or Bauman. Move Perez perhaps Irvin.
  23. Is there ever a case to not mind a loss for a greater good? For example, the bullpen game, could you have 3 pitchers in mind that will throw at least 3 innings regardless of their effectiveness? And if by some chance going into the 7th you have a chance to win the game (within 2 runs perhaps), then maybe you veer from that plan? What ended up happening was about as bad as you could play it. I have notice over the years, and recently, not just the O's, 1) A starting pitcher will be throwing great through 6-ish, then gives up a seeing eye ground ball hit, then an error or another weakly hit ball that lands in the right place, the manager removes the pitcher, the reliever comes in and blows the game. 2) A reliever come in, has all his tuff working in a close game and mows through a lineup in the 7th, and 8th, or just the 8th, brings in a closer or another pitcher to follow him, gets hammered, lose game. Seems to me baseball should be more about flow than arbitrary ideas about what someone can or should do. I suppose the guys blowing it are professionals and should do their job, but I see this happen often.
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