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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. Having grown up in Baltimore during the 1960's to 1980's run if excellence, I had a sense that every year they would be competitive. I want that, even if too much has to go right that particular year for it to be rational. I want to be run as efficiently as Tampa, but with more resources I want to emulate St. Louis. I want people to talk about the New Oriole Way.
  2. I want CD gone more than most so I agree with your post, especially the new look without him. However, in the 4 games I went to last year, each time CD came to the plate, he got a nice round of applause, not a round of boos. That is too small a sample size to be meaningful, but maybe the causal fan that still attends applauds because they recognize him. Maybe that's worth something to the front office so they want to make every effort to save him before cutting him. I know if I go to any games in 2020 there will be a LH starter to minimize my viewing displeasure.
  3. Wouldn't he have to be on some kind of "esoteric" waiver to be traded in the 1 PM to 8 PM window? After 8 PM he would have been a FA so O's wold have no rights to trade.
  4. Could it be the $$ they just saved on Villar can now be used to spend the rest of their International cap? Isn't there a highly rated Cuban yet to sign?
  5. That's where I was, thanks for the clarification
  6. For a control guy isn't that always the case? My question is really did he lose something last year or is there an injury or ???
  7. Whoa, what happened to him? He was the DD trade I regretted most.
  8. So the jury is out on Mountcastle, we expect him to hit but the glove is a work in progress. What other failed 3B converted to COF comps are out there? Would Alex Gordon be a good outcome with Monty having more bat and less glove?
  9. If both Frederick and Hagerstown are shut down, who does that part of MD belong to, Nats or Os?
  10. Do the Orioles get to appeal this? I would think they would want to keep Frederick, Bowie, Norfolk together to better support the fan base for Baltimore and sacrifice one of Aberdeen or Delmarva.
  11. While I completely agree with this premise, I'm one of the fortunate few that witnessed Orioles Magic become a thing. I'm 70, grew up.in South Baltimore and became a fan with Gentile's and Brookss breakout seasons in the early 1960s. For 20 to 25 years they were among they best run franchises in MLB. I assumed they always would be. I was in Philly for game 5 in 1983 and had no premonition we would wander in the darkness this long. I lived in MO for years in the early to mid 1990s and while the Redbirds haven't had the dark years like the O's, their Midwest.fans I ran into were rabid and knowledgeable. They expect the kind of dominance the NYY had and were very frustrated. They never waivered in their loyalty and they didn't bitch like we do. They just expect better
  12. Agreed. Many years ago when the Nats were new I argued with someone here that, other than Redskins, DC only supports a winner. Mostly my premise was based on the idea that DC is largely transplants with no loyalty to the local teams unless something cool is happening. There are many long time, loyal fans in DC for all.the sports, they just don't outnumber the transplants. There' are diehard Redskins fans, a loyal Caps fanbase, presumably a Wizards fan base but for the life of me I don't know why. There are still Senators fans that now have something to root for. The bandwagon fans will.sport gear and boast, ignore and go about your business, they aren't worth your time, like pink hat Bosox.
  13. What about giving up Delmarva? I can't imagine there is much travel across the bridge tunnel either way for minor league ball.
  14. Did we ever find out what Infante's medical issue was?
  15. I start with Stewart, Hayes, Santander. Never want to see Smith Jr again, no redeeming qualities. I want Mancini at 1B and Davis gone or 26th man. I give Stewart until Mountcastle time is up and then decide what to do. Backup.could be Mason or Stevie.
  16. For over 2 decades they were the best franchise in baseball and around the time it ended I think I remember that they had a winning record against NY as.a.franchise. Granted starting in 1954 helped alot with that.
  17. Also isn't it true that they don't release the figures for Venezuelan players signed so you can never know.
  18. Oh no doubt considerations like that went into the Partnership setup, that is assuming my memory of Frobby,s research is accurate. I just wanted to dispel the idea that MASN profits go directly to the Orioles. If I remembered correctly, it's PA's decision either way as he would be majority owner in both Partnerships. But PA would have to choose to rob Peter to pay Paul.
  19. Thanks to Frobby for the math but I believe years ago Frobby also determined that the Orioles MLB franchise and the MASN operation were owned or at least managed by separate Partnerships, each owned largely by the Angelos family. The Orioles, if my memory is correct, do not own MASN and MASN profits do not accrue to the Orioles. PA would have to agree to spend those profits on the Orioles MLB franchise.
  20. Oh good Lord, I can't believe you would post that here on an Orioles forum. It's about their obnoxious, entitled bandwagon fans. Papa destroying phone in roid-rage, how good it felt when MAndino broke their hearts. Their pink and the green hats, their propensity to argue everything. I actually PREFER to sit next to a MFNY fan at OPACY, they usually understand the game and know the players.
  21. I would do it again. Father had season tickets, had relatives that worked for Colts. Move happened in dead of night, no notice to employees. City was negotiating to improve facilities. It was wrong and Mayflower had to know. I'm good with being an angry old man.
  22. Cheaper, unknown if better, but yes I did. At the time it felt like the right thing to do.
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