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The Rick

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Posts posted by The Rick

  1. So, I'm in Milwaukee to see Miller Park for the first time tomorrow against Pittsburgh. I went to a local bar here and am definitely drunk. They had this fabulous local brew called "Spotted Cow". If any of you ever come here, you gotta try this beer. Very good stuff.


    BTW, damn people are nice as all get out in Wisconsin. I kinda like this place, except for the stupid accent. They might as well be Canadians.

  2. Drunk at 4 am. And naturally, I come to OH. I was thinking to myself, enough of these whiney "Why Pie now?" threads, there's gotta be somewhere for the drunken fools like myself. And now I'm home.


    So one question... once the baseball season starts is there any chance you can change your handle and avatar? That would be AWESOME.

    And....... i'm drunk. :D:new_beer:

  3. Yep' date=' no doubt. But, as Joe Buck would say, "swing and a miss!"

    Luckily, Mr. Jack Daniels is always there when I need him. Best friend ever!!!

    But anyways....fairly drunk again tonight...after Jack was done with me, I had to go to Weller's (a little cheaper whiskey)...still treated me well though!

    Thanks though man!

    How'd the performance review go?[/quote']

    Ahhhhh, whiskey. It's never treated me too well, so I tend to be a beer guy myself.

    Anywho, the review got pushed to Friday--thankfully. I've been dragging all day. ;)

  4. Well I just told my roommate's ex-girlfriend that I really like her (which I do) and asked her out on a date' date=' and she basically said no without saying no. I haven't been wasted on a Tuesday night in quite awhile.....I have a feeling here it comes!!!! I'm already partially there....[/quote']

    Ouch, sorry bro. At least you had the kahuna's to pursue it. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You'll be fine bro.

    Anywho, mmm............ drunk.

  5. Yuengling, it never fails me.

    I've been running for over a month now, i'm now a cheap drunk. It didn't stop me from having 10 beers tonight.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YEfXE2tzyg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YEfXE2tzyg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    How dare you Carla!!!

  6. Ha, Cindy Crosby won't make it out of that series alive. Went to Game Four of this series and am going to Game Three or Four of the Eastern Conference Finals...my first two pro sports playoff experiences since the 1997 ALCS. THe place was rocking on Wednesday, I can't wait for the next round:eek:

    I was just teasing.

    I hate the Pens, i'd honestly rather see the Flyers go than Pitt. I'm just still mad at Phi for that ridiculous upset over Washington. That still crushes me. :mad:

  7. Oh, and i'm drunk. I caught up with a friend tonight I hadn't seen in a couple years and had a few drinks and shot some pool. I took his lame ass 5 games to 4 for the amazing victory.

    Anywho, it was kind of depressing to not see a post in here since April 29th. That's a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday that no one had posted drunk. Is there like a prohibition part deuce going on and I don't even know it?

  8. Just a quick question... why does friggin Goergetown have to be so friggin good at friggin basketball? :mad:

    Something to do with a fella(s) named Thompson.

    I take it you were rooting for UMBC? So was I. That would have been a sweet upset.

    In the mean time, Clemson's classic choke job screwed up my bracket. With as well as they were playing down the stretch I had them going to the elite 8, upsetting Kansas along the way. I'm an idiot.

  9. Sammy's seasonals are ranked like this:

    -Summer Ale*


    -White Ale

    -Winter Lager

    No, this is not up for debate.

    *With lemon, of course.

    In my experience, I would replace Winter Lager with White Ale and put Octoberfest above Summer Ale.

    Sorry for debating, must say though i've never had Summer Ale w/lemon.

  10. I'm drunk, and I must say, it greatly improves my poker skills. I've done a lot of studying and know the odds, etc. My drunkenness gives me some much needed balls when I need them. I finished 2nd tonight at a live game, and horrible luck is the only thing that stopped me from winning. I feel like I played a fairly flawless game.

    Has anyone had Sam Adam's White Ale? :eek:

    I was drinking Miller Lite most of the night, and am a Sam's fan, but I didn't care for this one particularly.

  11. Nothing taken. :) I'm just glad that Duke split with NC. Hope the Terps have a good showing in the ACC tourney. D-Mark has always been a torn in my side as a fan a 6'4'' guard who thinks he is a power forward:rolleyes: .

    You're classy, if you would have whored MD when I was drunk, I would have been pissed.

    It was a great game tonight, Duke making a comeback in the 2nd half made this game very exciting.

    I hope MD can beat VA on their senior night. They have their work cut out for them.

  12. Drunk and upset over watching a come back come up short. I just wish that refs called traveling...but NC out hustled and coached this game.... oh well we will beat then in the ACC tourney.

    LOL, I am drunk as well. I'm a hardcore Terps fan, as you know from the Terps section. Anywho, as a drunken fella this fine Saturday evening, I couldn't be more happier that Duke lost on senior night. LOL, amazing.

    Sorry Pushmonkey, nothing against you.

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