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The Rick

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Posts posted by The Rick

  1. Jesus i'm pretty trashed. My goodness, my poor friend who has to work in about 6 hours just passed out on the couch, and has been puking his ass off. I tried to tell him not to buy Bacardi 151 (he's a bit of a rookie), but he wouldn't listen. He had 3 Smithwick's (excellent beer) and then about 5 shots of 151. He's going to feel it tomorrow, no doubt.

    Me on the other hand, i've had a 16 OZ draft Killians at the restaurant, 4 Smithwicks, and 5 shots of Gin. I'm right at my limit, praying this glass of water i'm drinking as we speak will prevent me from being hungover as all get out.

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  2. How were you able to find this thread in the first place, is what I want to know.:D

    Everyone know's about this thread... this thread is classic IMO due to the fact that it's been running fluently for about 3 months now. I for one have it bookmarked and try to make it a point to visit it every time i'm drunk. Rather it be when i'm drinking it up with my friends here, or out somewhere else (i'll visit on my Motorola Q with Verizon Broadband). I love reading the thread the day after.

  3. Wuss!:D

    That movie would have been a million times better if I had seen some Bilson Boob in there.

    Yeah, that was rather wuss'esque of me, i'm not going to lie.

    You're right though, movie could have been a lot better if your suggestions happened. Maybe that's for the unrated DVD version at some point... that'd rock.

  4. ok so i'm a lil drunk right now, but also a lil sad. i was at the bar with my best friend, my dad and a friend of my dads and we aere talkin about the o's good ol days and even their more recent days. We spent a good 15-20 min talking about the '97 team and how they shoulda won it all.!!!!

    I'm also drunk and a little sad, but that's because i'm watching Zach Braff's newest film, The Last Kiss. It's actually pretty sad, an excellent film, but one I shouldn't have chosen to watch while drunk, ugh.

  5. Yeah I don't get it. I've been pretty drunk before, as recently as this past Friday. I was absolutely wasted, ended up puking later on and felt like garbage the following day. But I still remembered a good majority of what happened the night before. Maybe I'm just lucky :confused:

    I've only thrown up twice, the other two times were when I constantly mixed liquor and beer at random. But yeah one thing I hope to work on in 2007 is knowing when to stop drinking that way I don't have any regrets about any particular party.

  6. nah, there'll be none of that this evening. i can hold my alcohol. that is to say i don't throw up. i do pee a lot, though.

    I've thrown up twice before--but last night was the worst. First of all, i've never thrown up when i've stuck to one kind of alcohol. My other two instances were when I would have beer and liquor like a fool. Last night though I only had beer, probably about 11 of them, but it was still just beer. To make a long story short, I thought I was A-OK... but found out I wasn't at about 3 AM when I was on a car ride from College Park to UMBC. My friend's g/f was driving my car, which is of the 2-door variety, and fortunately I was riding shotgun, so I was able to roll the window down and puke out the window, about 5 times. I then blacked out and don't remember a whole lot, but I do remember my face being wet and cold after I threw up because of the weather last night. Anywho, it hurts the ole ego that I stuck to just beer yet made a fool out of myself. I think I may have been okay if it weren't for the car ride. When I woke up this morning to drive home from UMBC I couldn't believe the amount of puke that stuck to the side of my car, disgusting. I thought I'd be in the clear due to the rain, but that didn't quite work out. I stopped by a gas station and went through a car-wash, but there were still chunks stuck on the car, geez.

    Another interesting story from the party last night. The people who's house the party was at were interesting, mainly the girlfriend who likes to hit people when she's drunk and gets offended. The sad part is everyone warned me of this and kept reminding me throughout the night to stay clear of her. It was working fine till about 1 AM when a heated debate opened up about her beloved Eagles and rather or not Donovan McNabb would start over Jeff Garcia if he were to win the Super Bowl. At that point I couldn't shut up and just whored the living hell out of the Eagles and McNabb. I have a good friend who is a die-hard fan and so I hate them with a passion because of it, I mean I literally cannot stand the Eagles--almost as much as I can't stand the MFY's! Well, we proceeded to trying to be diplomatic about things, but I had clearly offended her and I knew a bopping was inevitable. Sure enough, after about 10 minutes of me apologizing (and borderline making it look like I was an Eagles fan, YUCK!!!) she finally sneaked a left on my jaw. Fortunately, she hits like a girl so it was no big deal. Anyway, it was a memorable night by all accounts. I also saw video this morning of me doing a "crunk dance" and it's pretty hilarious. I'm not a dancer at all, but this dance doesn't require form, just requires you to basically let loose and go nuts. Well, I did and I feel like an idiot. Alcohol is not a friend of mine right now.

    Anyway, last night was a hell of a time, and even though 2007 is off to a rocky start I think it will be a great year!

    Anyone else have any interesting New Year's stories?

  7. I definitely didn't make it into work today.

    Got a little ridiculous with the birthday drinking. But I did wake up with some girl's phone number and email on my hand and a text message on my phone, so apparently i was coherent enough to pull that, even though I don't remember it.

    LOL, I feel ya bro.

    Apparently some girl was all over me when I was jamming on the piano. I don't remember this at all. But I have her #, and it should be interesting in the coming weeks.

    Don't you love not having any sort of recollection of what transpired at a party? It's quite interesting to say the least.

  8. Okay, so i'm drunk.

    I went to a good friend's house for a Christmas party. I've had about 8 shots, 3 or 4 of which were Soco Amaretto Lime, and the remaining were Jaeger bombs. I also had 3 beers, (2 Sam Adam's and 1 Red Stripe). I've lost about 95 lbs in the last 6 1/2 months, and my tolerance is extremely low. Needless to say, i'm going to be extremely hungover and unproductive at work tomorrow. But it was worth it.

    Among the songs I played on the piano tonight at the party were:

    Piano Man - Billy Joel

    Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton

    It was a great time. I'm 21 years old and these are the times i'll cherish forever, living it up.

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