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Everything posted by ExileAngelos

  1. You mean it's hard to go beyond 7 in the way modern day pitchers are treated. His pitch count is very reasonable. It wasn't that long ago that starters threw more than 120 pitches before there was any concern.
  2. Not all that long ago we'd all be excited about Bradish pitching a no hitter. But we all know he'll get pulled around a hundred pitches. Meanwhile more pitchers get hurt no than ever before lol. I'll never understand it.
  3. O'Hearn is giving you a professional at bat, Roy.
  4. "Looked at the wild card standings." LOL It is May. I barely look at the division standings this time of year.
  5. Surely, you can't be serious.
  6. It was an 0-2 count. Umps are biased against calling strikes in that count just like the tend to call strikes on 3-0 counts. Both nonsense of course.
  7. It is a regular season streak. But I take no joy in celebrating it. It rings hollow for me. A reminder of the time we actually WERE swept and it happened when it mattered the most.
  8. So if we get rained out again does it mean our sweepless streak is over? What if we play and lose? We only played 2 of the 3 scheduled games of the series. Hmmmmmm
  9. If Williams is indeed done then that is absolutely hilarious. Dominant and 77 pitches and he has "done his job" after throwing 5 innings. Modern baseball. Unbelievable. Thank you Davey!!
  10. I couldn't care less about our consecutive series without a sweep streak. You know when we were actually swept? Ya immediately after winning 101 games and season ended in the blink of an eye. So anytime that "streak" is brought up I think of that.
  11. Not sustainable in this idiotic age of bowing to the pitch and inning count gods.
  12. And KC is off too and plays the Nats the next day so that day sets up perfectly. They must feel like they can get this one in.
  13. I know.....it is strange that nothing comes up in Google images. Thanks again. Now I can let my coworker neighbors know it is time for O's baseball.
  14. Thanks for making me feel stupid. They are nowhere on Google images. Anyway, thanks.
  15. I find it hard to believe with less than three weeks to start the regular season that I can't find a 2024 Orioles schedule with actual playing times anywhere. I need one to print out and put it up here in my work cubicle, lol. Can anyone help?
  16. Any team today would likely dominate the 1927 Yankees. And that doesn't take anything at all away from how great they were.
  17. So compared to our 101 season a year ago, we replace Bradish with Burnes and have a ready to rock and roll Rodriguez and no longer have Gibson. You are saying that means we can't win it all? Lost season? LOL. And for the record, the trade for Burnes is a huge win for us no matter how you measure it. Ortiz was never going to get playing time here and Hall is talented but will always struggle with control.
  18. As a lifelong Orioles and Redskins fan this feels so good. I lost my football team so this definitely eases the pain.
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