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El Gordo

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El Gordo last won the day on December 21 2016

El Gordo had the most liked content!

About El Gordo

  • Birthday 05/17/1946

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    Every where and no where
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  • Favorite Current Oriole
  • Favorite All Time Oriole

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El Gordo's Achievements

Hangout Grand Counsel

Hangout Grand Counsel (14/14)

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  1. <p><p><p>Hey, "El Gordo".</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>I'm a longtime reader/occasional poster. I think I respect/agree with your posts more than anyone on here now. i think you and I have a lot in common, I'm an old guy,(63). I'm an actor, (between shows for the last 35 years!) Am a baseball historian and trivia buff, (including old movies, old soul & pop music. old tv shows, etc.) Am not gay, (not that there's anything wrong with that.) I'm "Clank", BTW. Now, who's nickname was that? And what trivia question is he the answer to? Actually, he's the answer to three relevant trivia questions. Here's one for ya, what player currently wears his old number? Would ya kindly respond? Thanks, hope to hear from ya.</p></p></p>


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