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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Heard that the Yankees called and are interested in a trade.
  2. I can see where you're coming from but it all depends on how they'd roll this out. Win or go home games are exciting no matter what, IMO.
  3. Yeah, that's nasty. 35 degrees in the sun isn't bad, but add wind... just forget it.
  4. No one wants to compete with football, I agree. It would be a mess with the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB all playing games at the same time. But like I said earlier, I think what this will really be about is the race between MLB/NBA to get games going this summer and who can have a captive audience first and worry about the rest later. I would have no interest in going to a game at OPACY that late in the year, I totally agree with that too.
  5. I think Miami and Tampa would be two places where I'd be like....yeah, nah. No, really, the Twins are happy to host their games in a December World Series. It'd have to be San Diego or something.
  6. This is actually really tempting. I'm thinking about getting this and having two different Orioles franchise. One where I try to do absurd stuff like bring Gray Rod up and have him as my opening day 2020 starter and see how many players it would try to take to trade for Mike Trout while avoiding bankruptcy. And then, you know, one that's more serious.
  7. Tony, how long does this sim take to play through?
  8. I can see that, especially the players that are on contract years. I agree with your best case scenario, too. I'd be fine about a warm weather/neutral site World Series in December. It's the idea that they'd have to start another season so quickly that's my concern. If they played into December this year I think we might be looking at a reduced 2021 season, too.
  9. Actually kinda hoping you can somehow steer this team to 90 wins and the 2nd wildcard berth. But I have a feeling that would be next to impossible.
  10. Well I hope he's not listening to Scott Boras. I'd laugh my ass off if he said "We're open to anything except what Scott Boras has to offer, no matter how logical it is." I don't think there's any way the MLBPA agrees to doubleheaders. They'll complain (somewhat validly) that it's too much stress after having been off for so long. We also need to keep in mind that if they wanted to start in mid-May, they're going to need some ramp up time. That guy from the Blue Jays said the other day that he thinks they'll need a month to get ready. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but for arguments sake let's say that's true. That would mean they'd have to start getting ready around April 15th. I'm not sure if that's going to be possible. Best case, I think there's an 81 game season which, to me and probably all of us, is better than nothing. But whoever goes on and wins the World Series...its just not the same.
  11. He might not wanna open himself up for this amount of criticism. Don't scare him off! What'd be cool is if they had a famous games sub-game where you could dive into famous moments in history as the manager and take over. Like, if you're in Game 6 of the 86 Series, you can pull Schiraldi. Or, you know, you can put Britton in instead of Ubaldo...
  12. Sold! I also saw a review on another website yesterday, apparently they have all kind of random, obscure leagues. Like the Czech baseball league was an option.
  13. It's a terrible idea. You can't have these guys cram a bunch of games in and play into December or January and then give them a month and a half off and ramp up spring training in mid-February. I want sports back as much as anyone else but I'm suspect that this is going to be a race between the MLB and the NBA to figure out who can be the first to have a completely captive audience. Which could be a pretty bad idea if you've got a bunch of athletes that are a bit rusty all of a sudden trying to compete at a high level. This all said, I don't think there's much to speculate on. I'm thinking the NBA loses the rest of their season and there's no baseball season at all. This whole pandemic is still on the upswing, there's no telling how long it could last.
  14. I think the point is that Tony's keeping us entertained with his baseball sim. ? I'm probably going to get it at some point.
  15. Looks like Wieters is a Hall of Famer in Drungo's alternate reality. I might check this game out.
  16. I felt like they could have gotten two innings out of Britton. I remember wanting him in the game earlier, too. I also remember thinking that Buck had to have some matchup information that made him do that. Ubaldo had been good down the stretch but still...no one wanted to see him in that situation.
  17. Finally got around to watching that video, it was fantastic. Really wish I could have seen those teams.
  18. Proctor and Lowenstein, still the best duo they've ever had.
  19. Lowenstein, on that '85 broadcast, see's some kid with a Cabbage Patch doll and an Orioles helmet on and goes "It looks like it had cancer!" Things you can NOT get away with these days.
  20. We didn't suffer through that season last year not to get a draft pick.
  21. I'm not quite sure what this means. I'm also not sure why anyone should care what kind of "model" we follow. I think Elias has been transparent about his plans. Whether it follows another teams "model" is pretty immaterial.
  22. Lowenstein on McGregor "...if the velocity of his fastball exceeds that of his changeup, he should be very happy today." ?
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