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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Not sorry for the Sox, either.
  2. Sounds good if I'm looking for a guy to play Jeopardy or perhaps Scrabble.
  3. Wasn't expecting to see Davis on there. Maybe that's a reason for optimism.
  4. "Wonder what we can get for him at the deadline if he's having a year like last year...."
  5. Seems like a lot of you think Law has it out for the Orioles for some reason. I'm not sure why that is, it's not like there's been much to brag about in recent years. I'm not sure why this franchise should have had nice things said about it over the years when it comes to the minor league system, but whatever. This is on The Athletic, so I can't post the whole thing. 1. AR 2. Hall 3. Rodriguez 4. Diaz 5. Adam Hall 6. Hays 7. Mountcastle (No!!! How could he be 7th!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!!) 8. Gunnar 9. Kremer 10. McKenna 11. Lowther 12. Harvey 13. Baumann 14. Wells 15. Akin 16. Knight 17. Grenier 18. Rom 19. Stowers 20. Hanifee Others: Sedlock, Watson, Bradish, Bailey, Rucker
  6. I'd have to see that OPS at .775 or so. I'm with @SteveA, worst case scenario is that he improves a little bit, shows some flashes of previous glory days and makes it hard for the FO/ownership to cut bait.
  7. Sounds like you've got personal experience in that arena. Sorry to see that you've been disappointed so many times.
  8. I think everyone wants to see him do well. But that just doesn't seem realistic anymore.
  9. She sounds sharp. As director of development she's going to have a huge impact on how we scout, draft and develop. She's essentially in charge of working with Sig and Elias to start creating a new Oriole Way. Nice to see this team becoming more modern. And having a message and plan to move forward.
  10. Dean Kremer is the one pitcher outside of Hall and Rodriguez I'm looking forward to seeing. Seems to have good stuff, high K rate, solid control.
  11. That last play was uncalled for. I hope as the season progresses that we see less and less of those little league errors.
  12. Throwing it around looking like a Little League team.
  13. Richie!! Looks like this Dohy guy should be pitching for us.
  14. Valaika hit a dinger. I feel like he's one of those guys that @wildcard has high hopes for, for no apparent reason.
  15. Orioles are in mid-season form. What do we need the rest of ST for?
  16. Akin not impressive here so far. Jet stream, whatever. Didn't need a "jet stream".
  17. Ok Akin you pudgy faced applejohn, make me a believer.
  18. Really loud double! Nice for Renato. OMG MOUNTCASTLE!! the future is here!!!!!111
  19. I'm disappointed that Law doesn't recognize the Ruthian power that Mountcastle possess. The eye of Ted Williams. The contact skills of Tony Gwynn. The defensive prowess of...um....Dave Kingman? Adam Dunn? Jose Canseco? Manny Ramirez? Whatever. It's a travashamockery that MOUNTCASTLE is not on this list.
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