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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Sports are entertainment. I kind of look at professional sports as a couple steps above the WWE. The WWE, of course, is not real. Professional sports are real to a certain extent but when you've got guys adding muscle in their 30s, increasing their hat sizes and shoe sizes to hit 70 homers, linebackers that can run a 4.5 40 at 265 pounds, referees that are fixing NBA games, guys banging on trashcans in an elaborate sign stealing scheme... I mean, c'mon.
  2. Roy is the biggest Brooks fan their is. He said with the caveat of still bleeding Orange and Black. Palmer's with this team every year. Brooks hasn't been. And that's ok, it's not a slam on Brooks. But Palmer's ties to the organization as it stands currently and for the past 10-15 years is what Roy meant, IMO.
  3. I remember Mike Myers. Haven't seen him in awhile.
  4. It's understandable, but...man, at this rate the broadcasters could field their own team. And probably give the real Orioles a run for their money.
  5. It seems like an awful lot of on air talent. Do other teams have this many PBP/color analysts? I get that Thorne can't do all of the games on TV cause he's got national responsibilites for other sports, but sheesh, 4 different PBP people for tv? 4 analysts for tv alone? The Nationals always, no matter what, seem to have Boring Bob Carpenter and FP Santangelo (the absolute worst) doing their games. I've never heard/seen anyone else that I can recall.
  6. My prediction: A bunch of guys, at least 1/3rd of which won't be here when the season is over. What do I win? ?
  7. Where have you gone, JR House? Our nation's lonely eyes turn to you....
  8. I don't remember that, but it'd be great to go back and find those conversations if possible. @Frobby would you like to come play revisionist here? Crafty righty doesn't nearly have the same ring as crafty lefty does. No one needs a crafty righty, no one likes a crafty righty. Everyone loves a crafty lefty.
  9. Dude, that seems so long ago. I guess that really is a long time ago in some respects. I remember Trachsel was bad, I don't remember him being THAT bad. Yikes.
  10. Aren't we all in the spring? Bring Kam in as a non roster invite! Can't hurt!
  11. Don't tell @Frobbyhe might have a stroke!
  12. I remember thinking he was going to be a stud and the steal of that trade. I'm not sure why I thought that.
  13. Yeah, you're right. Don't forget Kam Mickolio. The chances of us getting anything back other than organizational filler are very slim for Cobb.
  14. Sorta, but I think you're still leaping to conclusions and presenting a strawman. Again, I didn't say there's no place for women in the broadcast booth. I didn't say I wouldn't watch games that she's broadcasting. I didn't say that women shouldn't be afforded opportunities in sports media. I think you'd like to think that I feel that way when I really don't. I mean, if Hunter was calling all 162 games with Bordick on TV, I'd still watch. Who's doing the PBP and color commentary is ultimately doesn't matter if I'm going to watch the game. If it did, yeah, it'd be problematic. Frobby was right earlier, it's not going to change the way I watch and interact with the team. So if all I'm doing here is grumbling about a personal preference but not changing how I interact with the team, not changing how I'm consuming the games and begrudgingly keeping an open mind on who's calling the game...what are we really arguing about here? Do I have to think she's great just because she's a woman broadcaster when I've never heard her call a game before? Dude, if she's great I'll be the first to say it.
  15. I'm not sure how to describe why I felt that way towards Hunter. I think part of it was that, on the radio, he'd let the game breathe a bit more. There was some silence. On the TV, he was constantly prattling away. On the TV broadcast, I felt like he was more "on", he was more of the aforementioned used car salesman type. He was still a big homer on the radio, but not as much. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't Jon Miller/Joe Angel on the radio, but he was alright, IMO.
  16. I'll never forget how worked up you'd get when Manfra would misjudge flyballs. ? Pretty sure I've seen you rant on that a time or five.
  17. Hard to disagree with any of it, although I thought he was alright on the radio. If we're going back, I also couldn't stand Reghi.
  18. Herrera has been worth exactly 0.0 in parts of three seasons with the Mets and Reds, good for a .687 OPS, not hitting particularly well against righties or lefties. Small sample size, of course. I agree that part of 2B is up for grabs, unless Hanser proves that he can hit righties...if he gets that chance. I think Herrera could be a dark horse utility infielder type (assuming his fielding is good). But someone who had some pop in AAA at age 25 probably shouldn't be looked at as answer...although we are only talking about a dark horse here. I'd say that there's a good chance we see him in Baltimore a little bit this year.
  19. Yeah, no. Paul, YOU'RE better than that. It's very different because in your female boss scenario, you're making a comparison based on a female having a position of power and influence on day to day work responsibilities. Comparing someone I'd hypothetically have to answer to (and not that I should have to justify it or that you even care, but my favorite boss ever was female) and have to work with in order to make a living wage isn't even remotely in the same stratosphere as a preference on who'd I'd like to call a baseball game on the radio while I'm driving home from work. That's not a valid comparison. Slightly less poor is your comparison about having a "black manager" who was bad and therefore sticking to white managers. Never said women couldn't be broadcasters. Never said women shouldn't be broadcasters. In fact I'm pretty sure that I said that the new broadcaster has to know her stuff in order to get where she is. But that doesn't keep both of you from making leaps in conclusions and putting words in my mouth and telling me what I need to get "accustomed to," because it doesn't jive with your social agendas. In regards to being open minded, of course I'm going to listen. It's not like I'm going to boycott the games if she's in the booth. C'mon. Guys, I'm not apologizing for a personal preference and what I'd like to listen to. It's as simple as that.
  20. Thanks, Paul! As a sports fan I've been conditioned to hear male broadcasters in football, baseball and basketball for all of my life, so forgive me if I don't like hearing a female in the booth. On the flip side of the coin, I find it weird when there's a male sideline reporter but I'm sure you don't have an issue with that. Freely admitted it to being sexist, backward, unprogressive, but then you had to call it dumb, thanks for that! I'll strive to make sure that my personal tastes are more in line with progressive social agendas at all times.
  21. Yep, they're right every so often. It'd be cool if it were Hess. If he can be the Means of 2020 and if Means can maintain what he did last year, we'd be in a decent spot.
  22. Dude, they all have talent. Even Mike Wright had talent. The worst pitcher in the Major Leagues is still at the 99th percentile of all baseball players in the world. I'd love to be wrong, but this is a good chunk of spring training...articles about guys who come to camp that have worked on things in the offseason and look better. Doesn't mean they will be. Hess was so bad last year that...yikes, a 5 ERA would be an improvement for him. And that's still not great at all.
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