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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Steps down or is canned? I can't stand it when people try to make things look better than they are.
  2. She's qualified. But does a hire like that need to be made in order to prove to the public that changes have been made? Do you think Ng would want to be hired due to her baseball acumen of because the Astros need to make a social statement/save face?
  3. Well I'd be insulted if I was getting associated with Colby Rasmus, too.
  4. He is incorrect, I just wanted to be nice.
  5. Yeah, but they're interviewing him.
  6. Didn't know Buck was in charge of selecting the people who make cotton candy.
  7. I'd be happy for Buck, I hope he gets it.
  8. I mean, I interact with you on here, so...yeah.
  9. Will be happy if one of them turns into a halfway decent starter.
  10. Ah, Drungo. Still thinking that antiquated rules and thoughts drummed up by a cranky old fartknocker with frizzy white hair and an intense look are the most serious blights on the face of MLB because said cranky old fartknocker said so. Let's overlook that the HoF already houses plenty of Pete Rose memorabilia and exhibits yet you draw the line at having a plaque of his in a room with the other plaques and letting him on stage for a few minutes in July. If only you could take your open mindedness and progressive ideas on how baseball should be run and apply them to Pete Rose. What a wonderful world this could be.
  11. I've always hated Cora and found him to be smug. I know Roy came to his defense a couple years ago when I attacked Cora on some post/thread and that's fine, I'm sure he's got some good aspects, everyone does. That said, I knew he was a douche when I first set eyes on him and I'm glad he's out on his ass. I hope the Sox have another miserable season.
  12. Stephen A, screaming that the Astros should get their title stripped. Which I'm fine with, as long as the Red Sox get theirs stripped too because of that doucheloaf Cora.
  13. Part of me thinks it's a little light. Another part of me doesn't really care too much. Let's break these down: Suspension of Luhnow (before he got canned) I mean, not a big deal. In an ideal situation, he's got an assistant GM that can step up and perform some duties admirably. The Astros could find a consultant to come in and perform GM duties for a year. It's not REALLY a big deal. Suspension of Hinch (before he got canned) Again, not a big deal. You could find a manager for a year anywhere. Either you've got a really good organizational guy in the minors that everyone knows and respects and can do an admirable job covering or whoever Hinch's bench coach is could manage, too. These suspensions, IMO, actually helped the Astros rather than hurt them. Crane was able to axe them both like Thanos snapping his finger and can essentially reset his GM position and manager position with a really great team with a decent farm system and a good analytics staff/system in place. People will want to work there. Sure, the timing isn't perfect as it's a few months before the season but timing is rarely ever perfect. These suspensions made Crane's decision making easier for him. Suspend both for...6 months? I bet Crane doesn't do this. But a year makes this decision easy for him. 5 million dollar fine This is like a fart in the wind. It's the equivalent to a one year contract for an average middle infielder. Loss of draft picks It's not like these draft picks are at the top of the 1st and 2nd rounds. Had the Astros been picking in the top 5 in both rounds, I'd say this would hurt them more but they're not. They're picking at the end of the first round this year and probably will be picking no higher than the middle of 2021 at worst. One thing I'm not clear on, does this mean they still have their draft pool money, or is that being eliminated, too? Can they go way over slot for guys in the 3rd and 4th rounds because they're not spending money on 1st and 2nd round picks? Add all these up, these are just minor inconveniences, IMO. And yes. Always Free Pete Rose. Ain't that right, @DrungoHazewood?
  14. Even Johnny Damon had some assists. I ain't impressed on a throw from shallow LF.
  15. Let's see if he can get the ball back into the infield. Or hit a cutoff man. One step at a time.
  16. I think it's only natural for the fanbase of the other team who's embroiled in the MASN fiasco to hope that the Nats were dirty, too.
  17. Ken and I will be dining at Sotto Sopra on Thursday evening if you'd like to join. I'd invite @TonySoprano but he's stood us up so many times that his standing offer to join has been rescinded.
  18. I don't really see anyone in Baltimore under any scrutiny, outside of the OH, some other websites, blogs and diehard twitter users. Let's be real here, what's happening on Baltimore isn't on any national reporters radar, it's not even close. When you're as bad as we are, no one cares.
  19. If this is quickly going to turn into referendum on Elias, whatever. Just...whatever.
  20. Oh please let Cora be fired. Smug prick.
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