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gallden last won the day on July 20 2008

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About gallden

  • Birthday 02/23/1873

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    calvin pickering
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    bobby rodriguez

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  1. Not sure if you have twitter or not, but this guy has been talking about it for a while.
  2. It’s the price of being good.
  3. Bless. Newman doesn’t even know about “give that fan a contract”
  4. This is the strangest thing I’ve read on the OH, and I lived through bikiniarmstrong.
  5. Also, between the two of them isn’t there like 25 years of team control?
  6. That’s never his job. He should be behind home plate backing that play up.
  7. Do you think that kimbrel should have cut that off?
  8. I feel he needs another off speed pitch. splitter or a changeup. Obviously like the arm, should be able to locate better, but not having a third pitch makes him much easier to hit.
  9. Ding ding actually just all of the time
  10. Apologies if this has been posted https://x.com/MikeFranz8/status/1827358818210054174/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1827358818210054174&currentTweetUser=MikeFranz8
  11. I think the next 7-10 days are when we firmly cement our place as a WC team. I’ll gladly eat crow.
  12. You’d go to war with burnes.
  13. Not bikini Armstrong?
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