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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. Speaking from ignorance, could something have shown up in his physical that would help them discover this?
  2. Check out the Thunder/Jazz game. NBA suspends season.
  3. While watching the returns last night, they mentioned that the Governor of Michigan plans to do something similar. Though I haven’t been able to find a link. The Seattle Dragons are scheduled to play this Friday. Any idea how many people were in the stadium when the O’s played the White Sox?
  4. It’s all of their North American leg. Not just Baltimore.
  5. The Ivy League has cancelled its men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. Also, I believe we can continue this thread without wading into a political discussion. I do agree that the response is political and is closely tied to the prevention/spread of the virus, but I hope this stays open.
  6. It’s in DC now. A Catholic priest performed Communion for 500+ parishioners on 3/1. One other has tested positive so far. I work here, I’ll be watching how it spreads here very closely.
  7. Jon Kitna has thrown way more passing yards than Patrick Mahomes.
  8. Just came across this if anyone is interested. I haven’t dug into it yet. https://mobile.twitter.com/COVID19Tracking/status/1237118556833275904
  9. The last part is inexcusable. Hope your mom just has a cold and recovers quickly.
  10. Why did you choose to miss the 20% run up to mid-February 2020? You seem to have a good handle when the market is going to peak and when to buy back in, I don’t understand why you sold off in 2019 as the market was going up into 2020.
  11. We are both saying that testing is inadequate to date. If there currently 15k cases here already, like you pose, and if they can roll out several hundred tests over the next two weeks, then your expectation is that there will be over a quarter million cases reported. Also, if there are 15k cases and 22 deaths, then doesn’t that put the expected death rate well under 3.5%?
  12. Are they conducting more, less or the same number of tests from last week to this week? Of course the number are going to go up. That is expected. There are still people who are showing symptoms and aren’t being tested because they don’t fit into the previously returned from China number. So how can you view any of these confirmed cases as complete information? I’m asking you if you are getting this “it doubles every three days” from a reliable expert or you are inferring that from this lack of good data. And just because people disagree with your proclamations that the baseball season will be cancelled and that 72M Americans will contract it by May unless there is a cure (there won’t be), that doesn’t mean people aren’t taking it seriously. You have stated that you have read every article. You’ve also said that it doubles every three days and that the infected rate in the States will be 70%. I want to see those in an article. If more tests are rolled out over the next couple of weeks and the confirmed cases are less than 15k (U.S) will you still hold onto your assumption that this virus will double every three days?
  13. Please cite that fact. I’d love to see that. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  14. Right. But that doesn’t address that they weren’t able to do that on day 1. Symptoms may not show for two weeks. There was some period of time from when the virus was identified to when they isolation occurred. There’s, what, 15M people in Wuhan province. The numbers of infected seem very, very low if the infection rate is 70%. You’ve read every article, can you point to one that addresses this?
  15. What is the .7 in this equation? Also, why isn’t the infected rates higher in Wuhan? I know they implemented draconian policies to help spread the disease which helped prevent further spread, but before they were put into practice millions would have potentially come in contact. It is very dense and they didn’t know what they were dealing with for two weeks to a month.
  16. WrestleMania is a month away in Tampa, where a cited case is not all that far away. Many international fans attend. Let’s see what they do.
  17. Will they win 57 games this season? Asking for a friend. The current line is 56.5.
  18. To be fair, if Canseco saw a 25 man roster and knew 14 guys were doping, do you think he could do the math or just say it’s 80%?
  19. I could see Patrick Corbin with an outside chance of getting to 40.
  20. Six of nine. And as previously mentioned, Jones was extended by Duquette or he would have been gone.
  21. Was Miguel Gonzalez pre-Duquette? Getting big innings from him and Chen at their cost was a huge success. EDIT: Duh, you mentioned him and I missed it. You mentioned McLouth, but it seemed like he had so many minor moves that year that worked out. For example, he picked up Bill (?) Hall (used to play in Milwaukee) and he hit a key homerun in his first game.
  22. Always knew that 2/5 is his birthday. Third grade backwardsk did a book report on him for black history month, and always remembered that fact. Also have the 57(?) Topps baseball card that has the reverse negative.
  23. I would have guessed Rodrigo without looking it up, but maybe he crossed over into the 2010s.
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