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Posts posted by accinfo

  1. Just now, Uli2001 said:

    You are joking right? The O's almost blew up a six-run lead to the Yankees.

    No I am not kidding.  They had a 9-3 lead.  You expect your worse relievers to end the game.  Soto can pitch tomorrow if necessary.  Blaming everything on Hyde when something goes wrong is just ridiculous.  He has managed this team into the playoffs with more than their share of injuries.  

  2. 1 minute ago, Uli2001 said:

    Soto had thrown all of 8 pitches. Their Soto and Judge coming up. You do the math.

    And now Soto will be available tomorrow night if we need him against their tough left handers.  Again more great managing by the reigning Manager of the Year.

  3. 1 minute ago, Jagwar said:

    Take Mountcastle, Westburg and Urias out of this lineup and insert Jimenez, Mayo and Holliday. 'Nuff said

    Are you saying the injured players are better than the ones that replaced them?  Wow!!😆  Maybe that is why they didn’t win as many games as last year.  I thought it was the bad General Manager, Bad Manager, and horrible coaching.

  4. https://www.wsj.com/sports/baseball/david-rubenstein-baltimore-orioles-owner-e4c676e6?mod=hp_featst_pos4

    Very nice article on David Rubenstein in the Journal on buying the Orioles.  It is behind a pay wall so if you don’t have a subscription you most likely can’t read it.  However here are some quotes that make me optimistic about the future.

    “I enjoy it, but I enjoy it more when we win,” he said. “When we lose, it’s no fun.”

    “I’ve chaired a lot of boards in the nonprofit world, maybe more than sensible,” Rubenstein said, ticking off a few: the Kennedy Center; the Smithsonian; some basketball school in Durham called Duke. “In all those things, I’ve never had people come up to me and want selfies.”

    “I find myself coming to baseball games at a pace that I never thought I would,” he said. 

    One area Rubenstein said he didn’t insert himself was the baseball itself. He knew enough to know what he didn’t know. Steered by acclaimed general manager Mike Elias—“as good as you get,” Rubenstein said

    “I don’t think I’m competent enough yet to be able to really give [Elias] much input of value,” Rubenstein said of playing personnel. “I can say, well, I’m willing to spend the money for this.” 

    “I told them I wanted the best Spring Training facility,” Rubenstein said. “I don’t want to be scrimping on it.”

    “What’s life about, but trying to make people happy?” Rubenstein asked. “As I’ve said many times in speeches, the most elusive thing in life is personal happiness. [Thomas] Jefferson wrote about it, but he never actually defined how you become happy.”

    “When you can please people by sports,” he said, “it is a form of happiness for me.”

    • Upvote 3
    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

    Actually, I'm saying I wouldn't fire him just to fire him. I'd fire him if my impression that he doesn't really bring anything to the table is true. Obviously I don't have inside information on this, but I see nothing in Hyde from the outside looking in that jumps out as a plus manager, while I also see little things that a plus manager would fix.

    For example, I see lack of hustle out of the new guys in particular. Unacceptable. Set the tone. I see Adley as a lazy pitch framer. Unacceptable. I see a team that is slumping, but not mixing things up offensively by bunting or executing productive ABs by moving runners.


    What lack of hustle are you talking about? You may see a lack of hitting but point out where that translate to a lack of hustle by anyone on this club.  

  6. I am encouraged by the results of the poll.  Despite the loud minority here that want a scapegoat most people here understand this isn’t Hyde’s fault.  It does shock me the people who want Buck to come back.  I was a big fan of Buck’s during the resurgence he oversaw but in the end he appeared completely set in his own ways and it was time to move on.  It is correct this isn’t all on injuries.  Many young players have failed to produce as expected.  The combination of both those facts have really soured things the last 2 weeks especially.  

  7. 17 minutes ago, Baseball fandom said:

    And the thing is it's not like the Orioles have only been struggling just in September but since about mid June. I'm not sure if Texas or Arizona played like 6 games under 500 as the Orioles have for 3 months but if they did feel free to tell me. 

    No, Arizona was 84-78 for the entire season which is 6 games above 500 and played in the World Series.  Texas was 15-13 in September and won the World Series.  They didn’t play much better.  I have never nor I don’t think many people here think everything is fine and dandy.  In two weeks this same group of players with some added additions from injuries could play better.  They could play closer to the team which played in April and May.  

  8. 2 hours ago, Baseball fandom said:

    Cute story and all but this team is just playing bad. It's good that you are keeping the faith to have something to hold onto but man emotionally I have checked out on this team as anything more than a one and done in the playoffs. 

    There is nothing “cute” about my point of view.  That is the way I see it.  Again last year’s World Series teams won 89 and 84 games and had their disappointments in September of last year.  It is hard to say you have checked out when you keep making several posts everyday on how bad the team is and how much you dislike them.   

  9. 15 hours ago, Baseball fandom said:

    Yes the same here. They are going to the playoffs and yet I have no feeling towards it whatsoever. Weird feeling. Like you just know they are going to get bounced in the first round. It looks inevitable. I mean you could make a case the Tigers are more deserving of the Orioles spot. They are playing some great baseball of late. 

    If they are hitting like this in the playoffs then yes they are going to get bounced early.  However that is not set in stone.  The pitching has been better and hopefully Columbe and Grod make it even better.  I still have hope that Santander, Adley, Cowser, and a healthy Westberg have a hot streak in them and they time it for October.  Along with Gunner of course.  So I am not, not looking forward to playoff baseball.  Winning just one series will erase the second half mediocre play completely from my memories of this year.  

  10. Brandon Hyde has piloted this ship through many injuries to keep us alive for the division and at the least get us in the playoffs.  He has been a very good manager for a very young team.  The good news is he will continue be the manager of the Orioles for the foreseeable future despite the loud small lynching party that exists on this message board.

  11. 1 hour ago, HowAboutThat said:

    It goes without saying that it is much easier to get from terrible to good to get from good to great, and it also goes without saying that the people that took you the first part of the way are not necessarily the people to take you the rest of the way.

    Elias isn’t going anywhere, but hopefully Hyde will.

    The reigning Manager of the Year isn’t going anywhere either.

  12. 11 hours ago, Baseball fandom said:

    I just wanted to see the kid get his chance in Baltimore. He certainly had earned it through hard work and putting up the numbers in the minors and all the time he put in down there. If they were going to trade him that's fine but I would had personally preferred to wait for the off season and put him in a package for a better pitcher then what they got in return. When that deal went  down I hated it and obviously I'm hating even more now 

    When he was traded Westburg, Mateo, and Urias were still healthy.  Jackson Holliday was always ahead of him.  Hindsight is 20/20 and how things have turned out we could have used him but at the time he was not going to get playing time on this team.  

  13. 16 hours ago, accinfo said:

    I would consider moving Mullins to the 2 hole.  He has been fairly consistent for a while now.  It would put two fast guys up to the top of the lineup.  Maybe take the pressure off of Adley.

    Apparently Cedric is batting 2 in today’s lineup.  I am so glad I have so much influence with Brandon Hyde!!! 😄

  14. 2 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    They need to drop him in the batting order.  He's been an automatic out in the two hole.

    If everyone else in the lineup was clicking and guys were healthy, fine, you might be able to mask that for a bit.  But that's not the case.

    I'm aware that practically everyone else in the lineup is anemic right now, so I'm not sure who's a better fit at #2.  You can't get much worse than what Adley has done, though.

    I would consider moving Mullins to the 2 hole.  He has been fairly consistent for a while now.  It would put two fast guys up to the top of the lineup.  Maybe take the pressure off of Adley.

    • Upvote 2
  15. 37 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Except he really isn't hurting the team at SS.  Again, he's an 8+ WAR player this year.  I don't know why anyone would want to argue for moving him off a position where he's performing at an MVP level.  This season is already as valuable as Ripken's '83 MVP season and more valuable than any other season Ripken had except 1984 and his monster 1991 campaign.

    I saw Cal play at shortstop, too.  And I think when we all think of Cal at shortstop, we think of the refined version....the guy that made 3 errors in a season (and somehow lost the Gold Glove to Ozzie f'ing Guillen) and the guy that had a whole chapter dedicated to him in George Will's "Men at Work."

    You neglected to respond to the idea that Gunnar can get better at the position.  There's a lot to like with him defensively already, but he's not a fully finished product and I don't think anyone here is arguing that he is.  I suspect that if you took Cal in his second season and matched that up with Gunnar, you'd see some similarities.  I also suspect that Gunnar isn't the defender that he'll be in 5 or 6 years from now, just like Ripken wasn't the best defender at SS in his early seasons.

    Gunnar is a 5 tool player.  There's nothing that he can't do on a baseball field and I'm sure if you put him in a "traditional power position" like a corner outfield spot, he'd be just fine.

    But I find it funny that you want to be called old fashioned, yet here we are discussing Cal Ripken, the guy that broke the mold for what a shortstop can be and turned it into a power position.  Ripken was ultimate anti-traditionalist of the position and responsible for the slew of power hitting shortstops that came in after him.  And quite frankly, I don't know why we're talking about power when we're debating defense.

    Again, it couldn’t have been said better.   Gunnar is in his second year and will more than likely get better at everything he does as a baseball player.  Which is something to look forward to.  

    • Upvote 1
  16. 59 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I don't even know what you're talking about at this point.  Changing his process?  What do you want to change about a team that won the division last year and a team that's got a great chance to win it this year?  Did you not see him trade for Burnes this past offseason?  Did you not see him shore up the bullpen at the deadline?  Have you seen him whittle Kimbrel out of the equation while our key competition for the division is still trotting out a closer with 11 blown saves?

    Do I need to remind you about the litany of injuries that's plagued this team this season?  If this team suffered half the amount of injuries it's had to deal with, we're in first place by a comfortable margin.  I mean, Mountcastle is out for way more than the 10 days that he was initially put on the IL and it's like no one even notices anymore.

    What are you talking about, refusing to change?  Refusing to change what, exactly?  If you're going to keep hopping up and down about how lazy the Kimbrel signing was, just stop it.  He had a hole in his closer spot, he tried to fill it and it didn't work.  And let's not forget it did work for a good chunk of the first half of the season, there were a lot of people here who thought he deserved an all-star berth.  

    So what'd he do?  Instead of "refusing to change" he went out and got Dominguez and Soto at the deadline, two guys that can close.  Meanwhile, his counterpart in NY is still thinking that Holmes can close.

    There's a prime example of indications that change is necessary and he made it.  So I don't want to hear anything about him "refusing to change his process" when you're going to overlook something so obvious that refutes your argument.

    And if Elias refuses to change in your view, what would I call that?  I'd call it discipline, dude.  Discipline.  I'd call it hardcore discipline from having worked in the major leagues since 2007, starting out as a scout for a respected, well run organization like the Cardinals and then going to the Astros where he worked his ass off, kept getting promoted and made it all the way up to assistant GM.  

    Not arrogance.  Not stubbornness.  Discipline.  Big difference.  

    That couldn’t have been said any better.  The best way to evaluate success or failure for a baseball team is their record.  Last year they had the best record in the AL.  This year with 20 games remaining they have the best record in the AL, despite more than their share of injuries.  The other thing about trades that we don’t know and will never know are the deals Mike Elias turned down and what effect they would have had on the current team or the team in the future.  Those may be the best decisions he has made.  

    • Upvote 2
  17. 12 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    Let's be honest. The Orioles are a pretty good team, pretty good, but not even good, and certainly not great . But if we are that, the Yankees are too. They don't look like a quality team either. This is not a good year for great baseball .Too many injuries...too much uninspired play.

    This team is a lessor team without Grayson Rodriquez, Jordan Westburg, Columbe, and when Eflin was hurt.  If all these guys come back they can be much better.  

    • Upvote 2
  18. 45 minutes ago, HowAboutThat said:

    @spiritof66makes an excellent point, that drafting position players to trade for pitching isn’t very useful when you end up also trading the few pitching prospects you have.

    I have said constantly that dumpster diving is valuable, but it’s also impossible to succeed when you don’t do anything else.

    I don’t care where they get pitching, although I would prefer they not sign aging and declining free agents and hope they will return to glory.

    If your position player prospects are not adequate to get the pitching you need, then it’s not a workable strategy.

    I have also always detested “one size fits all” approach to coaching, but I don’t know that’s what they are doing.

    It certainly remains to be seen whether the guys we have lost will turn into something meaningful, but they apparently have turned in to something better, and that warrants scrutiny.

    Yes this management has run this team right into the ground.  

    • Haha 1
  19. 1 minute ago, Roy Firestone said:

    Look, I annoy just about everyone, maybe even me in my push for this kid. Rivera has played very well at 3b and Eloy hit well as a DH. And im glad Coby is going to start on Wednesday, but I have to say this, even at the risk of annoying you once again.

    With two 9 run leads in two games why couldn't Hyde at least thrown the kid an at bat here or there when the game was out of reach. To sit for 2 games after hitting a sharp single in his last appearance, I think was  needless.

    The kid needs plate appearances . He could DH too. Let him hit . It's the only way be'll get better. You dont have to agree, but thats how I feel.

    He will get his chances.  When he is starting All Star games this period will all be forgotten.  Hopefully he will be our third rookie of the year in a row in 2025.

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