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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Anyone can win a short series. Let's just win the division to get the rest. They have proven they can play with any team in baseball. The Atlanta series was very competitive.
  2. He won a gold glove last year. He has not had his best defensive season but to say he is not a good defender is not true.
  3. The answer is they need to allow 2 more pitchers on the roster in September even if they did it the last 14 games of the season. I understand why they limited the expanded rosters so the game didn’t change from the way it was played most of the season but with the sped up clock rules I have to think maybe most teams don’t have enough pitching for the end.
  4. I guess we will see. That is why they play the games. Whatever happens it has been a great season.
  5. And the fact she has no other stream of income I doubt she would get the 50% of owners to approve her as owner. It appears she may have no interest in owning the team anyway. I am sure she wants to cash in on the 1.6 billion or so they are worth and enjoy the rest of her life. I am pretty sure when PA passes the Orioles will have a new owner.
  6. I am sure you are enjoying every mistake an Oriole makes because you are such a big fan.
  7. That is total BS. What pitcher should they have put on the 40 man that they haven’t to help this staff? Their offense isn’t the problem. Please don’t tell me Jackson Holliday should be up because there isn’t a need for him right now.
  8. Dean Kremer 3 up 3 down!! I would be more worried that the innings have gotten to him if his velocity was down but he is hitting 95/96 pretty consistently. Nice recovery in the third. If we can get 2 more out of him I will take it.
  9. I was going to say it is a good thing we didn’t forfeit like some on here wanted to!
  10. There are several reasons the Orioles won’t be allowed to move to Nashville or anywhere else. They have a very respected ballpark with an additional $600 million available to modernize the park. This isn’t like Oakland that just couldn’t come up with a modern ballpark. It would be a black eye on the sport if they were allowed to be moved. The biggest reason is MLB doesn’t want John Angelos as an owner in the long term. They want ownership with solid financials other than the operation of their franchise. John Angelos had no other resource for income. Trust me MLB wants to get rid of him as much as we do. He is just being allowed to run the franchise because the owner is incapacitated. That will resolve itself sooner rather than later.
  11. Agreed just win the Division. That said they are winning 5 more games.
  12. Orioles just need to win 8 more and it doesn’t matter what the Rays do.
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