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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Well you would have to move Peter Angelos to TN before he passes to avoid MD estate tax.
  2. Just remember we have NO chance in the playoffs against good pitchers. Just read this game thread.
  3. The most pitches he had thrown in weeks were 41. They weren’t going to let him throw more than 5 innings. That was the plan going into the game.
  4. Maybe what was up was the talent of the starting pitcher that threw 9 shutout innings.
  5. All those data driven decisions has the Orioles with the best record in the AL.
  6. Because they don’t let a pitcher who has not thrown more than 41 pitches in months go to 70 or 80. They said up front he was only going 4 or 5 innings.
  7. Yes I guess we should decline to get into the playoffs.
  8. Irvin will only go 4 or 5 innings tonight. Who will come in next?
  9. They are not going to change the “tax code” for one person.
  10. Federal inheritance tax rates above $13 million is 40% and 10% for MD. If the inheritance is $3billion then half is $1.5 billion. The vast majority of people this never applies to but for people this rich it does.
  11. Ryan walked 12 times his first 60 games this year. In 25 games since he has come back from vertigo he has walked 11 times. Not a definitive trend yet but it is a good sign. If he continues to swing at strikes he will be a much more dangerous hitter.
  12. Mounty gets is 2nd walk. He has been much more selective since coming back. I am not sure how long that will last but that is a good sign.
  13. Bradfield is 0 for 1 but with 3 walks tonight. You have to love that kind of plate discipline in his first pro at bats. He keeps just swing at strikes he is going to be just fine. He had his 3rd stolen base tonight as well.
  14. If I was wrong about that I apologize, but I heard or read that somewhere. I travel there once a month and there are sure a ton of construction going on. I will predict they get a MLB team one way or the other by the end of the decade. This is what I read. https://www.wkrn.com/news/report-nashville-takes-top-spot-as-city-with-most-economic-growth-in-2021/
  15. Yes and that may have been the plan, but cable cutting has devalued that asset big time.
  16. Yes these are very enforceable. I have had them enforced. Law practices and public Accounting firms would have a hard time staying in existence if they weren’t enforceable.
  17. Corn is 100% correct. 40% federal tax on all property value over $13 million. Plus at least 10% from the State of Maryland. The IRS and State of MD won’t finance that. Just assuming $3 billion that is $1.5 billion due. I don’t see anyway they can come up with that money with the exception of taking on partners by selling off parts of the Orioles. Also baseball would have to approve them as owners. I don’t see anyway that is happening because they have no other significant income stream. There will be plenty of people who would like to own this team with much deeper pockets.
  18. That is the response I would expect from Kevin Brown. He is going to do his job and we as fans are lucky to have him. This story will be revisited if Kevin Brown goes to another team this off season. If John Angelos is smart he would extend him and it will make this story go away. I am not betting on that result.
  19. Yes it is but more people are moving there each year than anywhere else in the USA. I also think MLB will look at this as a regional franchise with big cties, Knoxville and Memphis about 3 hours away. There is also big money down there because of the music business.
  20. Jim Hardin pitched the first MLB game i ever attended. So for years he was my favorite player. My dad got an autograph for me from him.
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