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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Again these actions were by Peter Angelos not John. I have never thought it was fair to blame the sins of the father on the son. However, this action does feel like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. This is what is so upsetting about this. It does appear there is ZERO self-reflection on this action and he is doubling down about what he has done here. This is quite depressing.
  2. Yes I hope you are right and it is just a troll. I will NEVER understand that troll motivation. Great post though!
  3. The most disheartening thing in this thread are the posts from the now banned @2001OriolesFan. That person has to be either John Angelos or someone who he is instructing to counter what is going on here. No one would take that stance as just a fan of this team. Calling Kevin Brown a DIva, etc. I know there are people who just troll message boards and take on the opposite point of view but that didn’t seem like that. It really to me puts a sour taste to what has been a great season. I have defended John Angelos here because you can’t blame him for the things his father did . This just seems to be history repeating itself.
  4. I believe you. It is just so hard to believe. You are right the ONLY way out of this is to put him back on air and issue an apology that says it was an impulsive incorrect decision to take him off the air. Just like you said though fat chance. If Brown’s pay was effected he would certainly have an actionable event. To sue an Major League owner may not be a smart career move however.
  5. I have to think you are right about this as well. This is a very bad story if he got suspended one game for what he said but to be suspended indefinitely is just ludicrous.
  6. Well as I said before John doesn’t own the team, he just runs it. This is very unfortunate and won’t build any goodwill towards the fan base. If you don’t like him getting National gigs then deal with that as you may. Tell him to make a choice, they have that right. Don’t suspend a guy for a nonsense reason like this.
  7. If this is true it just makes no sense. I just don’t see how that comment could get anyone suspended. Kevin Brown is good and I would hate to lose him over something like this.
  8. Gunnar is going to be just fine. He needs to play everyday.
  9. Last night was the most crowded I have ever seen the ballpark since it opened. I have never seen the concourse so crowded and I went when they sold out in beginning years. I am sure they don’t have enough labor not really expecting these crowds at the beginning of the season.
  10. He didn’t fire John Miller as much as he wouldn’t pay him what he was offered to go to San Francisco.
  11. Peter Angelos is completely incapacitated. His law practice revenue is all but dried up. I don’t know how much money he has but I doubt it is 3 billion. His wife has control over his assets and I doubt the Orioles would have access to whatever he has left. Until this resolves don’t expect the Orioles to spend money towards large contracts.
  12. John Angelos doesn’t have 3 billion.
  13. As a matter of fact The Orioles face a left hander Friday and Sunday against the Mets. Either Mateo is going to get those starts or they bring up Ortiz and he gets those. It will be interesting to see what happens.
  14. Lets see what they decide to do when they get back to Baltimore tomorrow. I can understand they didn’t want to fly Ortiz to Toronto, go through customs, etc for today. Mateo was going to get the start against a lefthander yesterday. If they are going to make that move it will be when they get home.
  15. This decision could get revisited with new ownership in the future.
  16. They have to watch Grayson’s innings. He had thrown over 90 pitches. I have no problem with pulling him. Fuji had been good up until tonight. Hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes the players don’t execute.
  17. i would rather sign him and make him an Oriole for life or most of his career. If he stays healthy I think he will be statue worthy.
  18. As the present ownership stands in a kind of limbo, I just don’t see them signing any contracts in that range. We just have to hope that we have new ownership in 2-3 years before these good young players hit free agency.
  19. No you are not ,maybe 10/300 but you are not getting him for $200million. That ship has sailed.
  20. I put $100 opening day at +2500 on them to win the division. Not that I am Kreskin but they were by far the best value bet.
  21. Yes when Mountcastle is 30 walks behind Gunnar. If Mountcastle would stop swinging at balls he could be really great but I don’t see that changing.
  22. He has hit left handed pitching all season. Right now a platoon of Mounty/O’Hearn is pretty lethal.
  23. He grew up a Yankee fan and played for them. I don’t see how that is a FU to the Orioles. It was respect to both franchises.
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