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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Not too shabby for a Sunday lineup.
  2. I’m thinking four out of the five by the AS break.
  3. Below is a link to Kennedy's full speech. It is definitely worth reading as a snapshot into a critical and very interesting time in our history, but it is also politically very partisan with the Cold War lurking around every corner. The Ted Sorensen connection makes sense to me as well, but why here and why now? I admit that I also find it pretty obscure as a theme for the first Opening Day under new Orioles ownership. https://www.shapell.org/manuscript/jfk-1960-new-frontier-speech/#transcripts
  4. $2.50-$3.00 for field level box seats in the early 1960’s.
  5. I disagree. The spotlight belonged to Rubenstein today and JA had the good taste to stay out of it. I completely agree with the contrast you're trying to draw, however.
  6. Icing on the cake right here....
  7. The disintegrating pitcher part looks attractive. IIRC Eflin owned us last year.
  8. It wasn't that long ago it was the Yankees doing it to the O's. It used to drive me crazy. Glad those days look to be over.
  9. Yeah, Rendon... 3 innings into the season and he already looks tired.
  10. Rubenstein name checking all the guys who were my heros age 12 lol
  11. Sure. I often watch on MLV.tv, squeeze it down to a picture-in-picture and post to OH through my browser.
  12. Glad Burnes got that out of the way.
  13. After years of listening to ownership limit expectations, I'm not quite sure how to react at the moment.
  14. Very cool. Couple this with the great video from a few days ago and at the very least, it looks like Rubenstein has a PR person/firm with a clue.
  15. It was self-serving but suddenly I'm in a generous mood for some reason. Best wishes to you on your ride into the sunset, JA.
  16. It looks like he's as big a fanboy as the rest of us. Exciting.
  17. I love social media. Even a thread that started out referencing "ass clowns" can still find plenty of space to drop further. What are the odds that this thread gets locked before the vote results are announced?
  18. Once Rubenstein’s group officially owns the franchise they’re free to spend what they like whenever they want on the team. In large part the franchise’s balance sheet determines the sale price so of course JA will want things like payroll and additional long-term obligations capped during the acquisition process, otherwise he could receive less. Personally I prefer the current situation to the risk of a renegotiation breaking out. This year’s active payroll looks to be around $100 million which is sufficient to not damage the product in the short term.
  19. I agree that Montgomery would have been a perfect fit and the deal he got looked affordable given the O’s current payroll obligations. But put yourself in Rubenstein’s position for a moment: would you agree to buy the team without an explicit understanding as to the obligations the outgoing ownership group could saddle you with? There is zero question in my mind that Elias’ 2024 budget is close to maxed out now and there is a hard - and very short - limit as to the length of any contract he can currently offer, and those terms were arrived at collaboratively a while ago. As to Elias’ risk tolerance, that definitely will be something to watch in the coming years. It is almost certain that he will be operating in a very different environment than he’s been used to up to this point, so he gets the benefit of the doubt from me at least through the next offseason.
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