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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Yes. But I don’t care if Elias gets full value on trades involving Urias, or for that matter Mateo and O’Hearn too. In regard to playing time, it’s time for Elias’ playbook to adapt.
  2. I think a small sample size is nonetheless some sample size and from a practical standpoint it is virtually impossible to completely discount it when trying to make a judgement. I believe that is likely to extend to Mike Elias as well.
  3. I suspect the O’s payroll is close to maxed out until the sale is formally approved and closed.
  4. I would rather see Westburg take on Urias' role and if that impacts any trade return, so be it.
  5. 1960 O's with Gentile (26), Breeding (26), Hansen (22), Brooks (23), Adair (23), Brandt (26), Pappas (21), Barber (22) and Estrada(22) was chock full of young talent, most of whom were not on the team the previous season. Maybe not the same now, but similar. From that year until 1985 they had a grand total of two losing seasons. I expect nothing less from this crew.
  6. I think Julio Urias is still unsigned too even though the LA District Attorney decided not to press felony charges. As a domestic violence second offender, MLB will likely slap him with at least an 80-game suspension the moment a team signs him though.
  7. I’ll proudly go on record and say “not me.”
  8. Holliday turns 26 right before the 2030 season, so he will be entering his physical and presumably professional prime. I think we all agree he's an exceptional talent so can we pencil in 5 WAR for his age 26 season? Maybe a little on the conservative side I think. Try this for perspective: go to BBRef and find the MLB draft section, then pick any consecutive 10-year period between 1965 and say 2015. Look at the draft picks between 30-45 and you will find that the number of players who put up 5 WAR for their entire careers looks to be no more than 10-15%. The number who averaged even 2 WAR per season is vanishingly small. Why on Earth would any sober GM not snag an extra year of control for a talent as special as Jackson Holliday when the chances of his gamble paying off are virtually nil?
  9. Either as a company or as an individual, you simply don't go around talking publicly about somebody else's medical condition without their permission. Employee status is irrelevant.
  10. Your argument consists of five paragraphs. Four of them revolve around the word "could" and the other is all about trust - trusting that the FO can peer several years into the future and successfully nullify the risk inherent in speculating about the unknowable. I want to see Holliday on Opening Day too, but I sincerely hope Elias' decision-making process is a little more rigorous.
  11. I stopped watching. I don't know if I've ever seen a more lame baseball broadcast than this one. The actual game is a complete afterthought at best. I guess it could be worse - they could play THAT song.
  12. I think it was an okay trade for the White Sox. I also think they, and Getz especially, needed the equivalent of the O's Bedard trade and this deal falls well short of that. In retrospect, unless Getz pivoted from his earlier position, it doesn't look like the O's were as much of a match as many of us thought. Oh well...
  13. A winning team boosts ticket sales. Imagine that.
  14. I supported trading for Cease, but I would rather have Burnes for one year for what Elias paid than two years of Cease for that plus another low level prospect. Burnes is simply a much superior pitcher.
  15. With a more than reasonable chance of a Luke Scott outcome.
  16. Completely agree on all points. I'm not holding my breath.
  17. I see you haven't had your sarcasm detector calibrated recently.
  18. Im shocked…SHOCKED that ESPN got this list so wrong!
  19. 24fps

    VPN Options

    FWIW I think a VPN is an essential component of overall internet hygiene anyway, but there are more that a few services like facebook and instagram that throw a lot of resources at making it hard to log on using one, so keep that in mind. MLB does not have a vested interest that I can see in preventing in-market streaming other than they no doubt have a contractual obligation to respect existing cable businesses so they have to make an attempt. Dead men walking every last one of them if you ask me, but it will take a while longer for all that to work itself out. Living outside of Nashville, Braves, Cardinals and Reds games are all normally blacked out in my market which is ridiculous. Last year, Fox, ESPN and Apple games were all unavailable live and having a VPN made no difference. Count me among those who feel slightly cheated by that arrangement.
  20. Okay, Cowser in CF and Mayo at 1B. The plot thickens. But probably not by much.
  21. 24fps

    VPN Options

    I use Express VPN and like it. There are plenty of worldwide locations to choose from and I haven't had any service outages for three years. However, sometimes MLB will block an IP address if they learn it, but switching to another location has always resolved the problem. Also there is occasionally some difficulty loading a game which I attribute to the website understanding that a VPN is being used. That said, the ability to watch just about any game at any time is worth the minor hassle to me.
  22. Fair enough. IIRC you're an avid golfer? Included are subscriptions to roughly a half-dozen golf magazines and that extends to numerous other areas of interest as well. The abundance of magazine subscriptions alone are worth the cost
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