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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Once the first pitch is thrown, Hyde probably is in the driver's seat, but I doubt he's winging it very much at all. I would very much like to know where the balance is. As Tony-OH pointed out earlier, Hyde wouldn't have made it this far without buying into the overall program. Meanwhile, how 'bout that Jorge Mateo and Ryan McKenna?
  2. I would be very, very surprised if the daily lineup wasn't first spit out by the computer every day. Is Hyde consulted afterward with his input factored in before final submission? Perhaps, but lineup optimization is something that complex datasets were designed to chew on.
  3. At this point Gibson's window of opportunity is games 60-162. If you calculate starting every fifth day then he has 21 starts remaining or 33 total on the year. If he matches his current winning percentage per start (58.3%) then that's an additional 12 wins for 19 total. He's averaging just under 6 innings per start, so give him another 126 innings and he would be at 197 for the year.
  4. LOL ugly play for Santander. Love to see Gibson get through the rest of the inning. He's pitched a pretty good game.
  5. Justifiable short-term deal with tremendous potential to be tedious as all hell long-term. It's clear that Elias and Co. will not be budged from their minor league strategy regardless of circumstances.
  6. Mateo and it's not even close for me because of the tools. Urias is a solid, very respectable player but he doesn't provide a difference-making quality that separates him like Mateo's speed and defensive prowess. I'm pretty sure one (or more) of Westburg/Ortiz/Norby would be a fully adequate replacement for Urias and likely better than fairly soon.
  7. It's just a matter of time... It's just a matter of time before Cano has an outing where he gets one out and gives up four runs. Why? Because it's baseball. And while he's jaw-droppingly impressive right now, it's still a pretty small sample size, historical run or not. Cano might have earned his way into an audition at closer, but to me fairness dictates that Bautista first has to earn his way off and I don't think he's done that yet.
  8. scOtt and weams remain the two best friends I've made on Orioles Hangout and I miss them both very much.
  9. Looked like a nice pitch to ring up Gunnar. That said, can we start to believe he's beginning to heat up a little?
  10. Heck yeah. JTrea81 is the first to come to everybody's mind but there have been plenty of others. I too remember calmunderfire and there have been a whole raft of "insiders" who used to sprout up like weeds every off season claiming to have inside info on upcoming player deals that were of course totally bogus. I remember Belkast being one of the most prolific. There was a guy who posed as a girl who called him/herself bikini something or other and provided us with pictures. Going back to even before I started an account there was a poster who I'll never forget who called himself BOOZE and clearly did his level best to live up to his handle. He was hilarious. IIRC he also professed an unabashed and definitely politically incorrect appreciation of underage girls. Finally, have you been over the game thread? It's named after the late Scott (ScOtt) Niedentohl who also was no stranger to a frosty mug. He was also one of the best online friends you could ever hope to have. He was banned on several occasions. Of course the ban was lifted in his case, usually not long after it was imposed. You might get banned for a while if you really work at it, but permanent means you've shown yourself to be a genuine troll.
  11. ScottieBaseball dinged me twice, once for blaming something on George Bush. My crime was breaking the no politics rule. Bush was president at the time and I blamed everything on him although that didn't necessarily need to be about politics. Often it was that George Bush reminded me of every entitled, drunken Texas frat boy I detested while I was at TCU and he was always in the news so I couldn't escape him. But.... unpersuasive. My second infraction came, I believe, for calling someone a "ridiculous twat". I don't remember if it was another poster or someone else, but there is a no name-calling rule here. And rightly so no matter how richly deserved (or accurate) it might be. I think there have been two major changes in hosting software in the fifteen years I've been posting and it looks like this latest iteration makes neg repping no longer a blood sport (not that it ever was much of one in the first place). So no harm, no foul Chelsea Phil. It's really no big deal.
  12. Because I now have more time on my hands than I used to, I compared ten different top 100 lists before the beginning of this season to see if a suspicion I had was true. It was and I can confirm your findings. Maybe a few dozen players appeared on all ten lists and there wasn't much consensus on their value. For example Arizona pitching prospect Brandon Pfaadt was ranked between 16 and 95 depending on the list. Top SP prospect Andrew Painter fell between 5 and 27. Going forward, I intend to limit myself to Baseball America and Fangraphs and reclaim a lot of time. Prospects are inherently very volatile and too much simplistic information is simply not useful.
  13. I expected better at this point in the season, but I can't say I'm completely surprised. So give him all his innings at the ML level this year and chalk it up to investment. He sure did look ineffective tonight though...
  14. That sounds about right. 1961 was my first year as a fan. 1961-1986 was a great time to be a new Orioles fan.
  15. Suddenly Ohtani is looking a little shaky too.
  16. It doesn't look like GrayRod has any idea where the ball is going.
  17. Goodness. Everybody's favorite Oriole with a blast!
  18. I think the Orioles brain trust would be foolish if they didn't plan for struggles and that's why I advocate for the same opportunity that Henderson is getting now for both Cowser and Kjerstad. Adam Frazier has gotten 3 starts in the OF and Vavra has gotten 7, cumulatively that's one more than Stowers received. The evidence suggest to me that he won't be missed.
  19. Or trade him for whatever you can get now. At this point I think I would rather put the resources into Cowser and Kjerstad anyway. Just give those two the time to successfully make the transition even if they get off to a rough start.
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