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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Benching Mullins for a rookie? I mean, if you want to get worse that's probably a great place to start.
  2. I hope this was noted in the epic defensive stats debate of last week.
  3. The Grayson thing really hurts. Both emotionally. As well as practically.
  4. We were writing simultaneously, but I wouldn't be surprised if their great stolen base #s were related to the phenomena I mentioned above.
  5. This was mentioned by one of the away announcing teams the other day. The far more interesting thing is because they were limited with throw overs, AND there is a clock, guys can just take off at 2-3 seconds knowing the pitchers either can't or won't throw over. Unintended consequences. The crew seemed to expect it to manifest itself at the big league level, as it had in the minors, and become part of the game.
  6. Conflicting reports from google, and of course severity is an issue, but it looks to me like its 4 weeks minimum before he pitches again, and I imagine they'd want him to throw some MiL innings so I'd be he's not going to be up until Aug or close to it now in a best case scenario.
  7. He's been amazing all year, and yet, he almost reached another level last night. He was mowing them down.
  8. You can see why Wieters would be considered a leader.
  9. I'm not sure I'd say that. I would say he is more likely to accrue more career WAR than Adley.
  10. Be gentle. He's Just Learning.
  11. This was my opinion as well. Would have been very close even with a clean play.
  12. Eh. 2 strikes with the winning run on third he should be swinging at just about anything he can put into play.
  13. Just took a walk off away from McKenna.
  14. I don't know if interesting is the word I would use. More like disappointing. I understand the circumstances, and I appreciate the grit, but I want more wins.
  15. Fortune favors the bold. So does humiliating spectacle. Glad it worked out for you.
  16. Robinson Chirinos pisses on ya'lls whining.
  17. In today's game, that makes him a horse.
  18. Pickles

    Jorge Mateo

    He just made another very nice play in the 6th. Very good.
  19. I'm probably one of the strongest supporters of giving relief pitchers chances in the rotation on this board, going all the way back to Britton, but I'd keep Akin right where he is. At least until the All-Star break. Let him continue to have success and gain confidence; or let him turn back into a pumpkin. But leave him where he is.
  20. So by the Cardinals broadcast that was 99, 100, 102 and then 89 on the breaking ball. That was some nasty stuff.
  21. Pickles

    Jorge Mateo

    The double itself was evidence of life and hustle. Now just get rid of overrunning the base. Though in all honestly, he was thinking three.
  22. Well, they're going to have shut him down in August at that pace. A six man rotation makes some sense this year. Interestingly enough, they seem to be transitioning the pitchers to a a 5 man in AAA before they're ultimately called up. That would suggest they aren't looking to do that.
  23. I'd imagine they have some "formula" that considers both pitch count and innings. Not all innings are created equal, of course, but simply the up-down act of pitching makes innings the easiest way to track. At this pace, Wells would throw 134. If he continues pitching as well as he has recently, that number would almost certainly climb higher. That seems higher than I would have suspected at the beginning of the year.
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