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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Again, from what I saw, Mateo's defense wasn't terrible in my eyes. Now, I very well might be singing a different tune come May, but that is my position as of now. I think it is highly unlikely Mateo is ever going to become a ML regular- particularly as a SS. However, I think he has upside and a potential role on the next competitive Orioles' team. I see nothing of that nature in Torreyes.
  2. Oh, yeah, Chirinos is definitely a back up. But, imo, that's all Severino ever was; he was just on a 50 win team devoid of talent.
  3. Agreed. I'll say also as someone who regurlarly watches the Texas Rangers, I always liked Chirinos. I haven't seen him consistently in a few years, and he's getting up there, but I believe he'll be a pretty clear upgrade over Severino.
  4. It was SSS but I didn't find his defense to be terrible. The fact is Mateo is younger and has been better recently than Torreyes. He also has a better prospect pedigree- I believe. TBH, I don't think there's a real good case for Torreyes over Mateo.
  5. I wouldn't worry too much about the 40 man tbh. There's half a dozen guys on it that we could lose without me blinking.
  6. And one would assume that with their shared Houston experience, Elias and staff have a pretty good book on what Chirinos is like in the dugout/clubhouse/etc.
  7. Clearly. You are an amazing person.
  8. If you're going to state your opinions be prepared for people to respond to you. Have no fear though. This thread is certain to be locked soon enough. So you accomplished that. Good job. Instead of talking about the 40 man, we got to see what an amazing person you are and how much better you are than all the racists.
  9. If only he could performatively demonstrate his virtue on social media he could be as good as you.
  10. Sounds like exactly what I prescribed above. They should be paying me.
  11. I tire of the moral panic in this country. Akin liked a tweet celebrating the Dukes of Hazard TV show. There's nothing wrong with that. At all. He also like a tweet calling for a cop killer to be shot. The cop killer was referred to using a racial slur. The racial slur is ugly and unnecessary and highly offensive. And someone should have a talk with Akin about representing himself professionally on social media. However, if the naughty word upsets you more than the dead cop, you are a child and not a serious person.
  12. How valuable did they make Hanser Alberto? Now I'm not saying Peitro is Alberto. But it's entirely possible to hit 300 and be essentially valueless. That said, I'm excited to watch this guy and hope for the best.
  13. I've been adamant in the past about giving "relievers" chances at starting, and certainly included Wells as a guy who should be looked at. With the shortened spring, and the shoulder, I don't think this is the right time to try to get him into the OD rotation. However, I would immediately see how he held up under multiple inning relief appearances, with the idea of eventually stretching him out for a starters' workload.
  14. They all have to pitch in the same park and division. Grienke pitched more innings by a lot than any on our staff last year. And had a much better ERA/ERA+ than anyone besides Means. Now I'm not advocating signing him. And ultimately, I think you're right. He's not coming here. But I think it's pretty clear why "anyone would want to sign Grienke."
  15. Uh because Grienke would immediately be our second best pitcher.
  16. I mean, that's your position. Fair enough. Remember, I'm bearish on him compared to the consensus. And I'm still pretty confident if he plays 90% of the season, he's going to finish in the Top 3 for ROY. I would like clarification of the quality of the pick before I solidified my position.
  17. It only makes sense to bring him up 4/7 or slow play him out until I would say at least June 15. With the change in calculation Opening Day makes the most sense. Damn shame. If they'd known this we'd have gotten to see him last year.
  18. If you bring him up 4/15, and he's 3/4s of the player people are expecting him to be, he's finishing in the top 3 of ROY.
  19. Count me as one who hates this new rule. As is already apparent in the nature of these considerations, they haven't removed "manipulating" service time; they have merely altered the manipulation. To Frobby's OP, I think with this new rule AR does start on the opening day roster. Does anyone know where the draft pick falls? All I've heard is draft pick.
  20. Because if you bring him up too early, he wins the award and gets the service time anyway.
  21. I've advocated for a front loaded deal. But if I'm the O's I will not front load it and give you an early opt out. One or the other.
  22. I don't know if fighting is the right word. But they're criticizing the idea and predicting it to harm the development of players.
  23. And yet many high profile Latino players have criticized an International Draft.
  24. No, but you know, honestly, when you frame it like that I do sit on my couch, thinking, damn I miss singles.
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