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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I'm fine with the Orioles going about a logical process. Not knee-jerk overreactions because people got fooled by a SSS in 2020. I'd like to see the O's get better. I'm not against FA signings. I'm wary of them as history shows. But I'm not outright against it. But using terrible FA contracts as cudgels to berate the O's process is just not convincing.
  2. Of course it is. Using faulty logic to go about it isn't very convincing.
  3. Nobody is claiming that the O's should be signing FAs? LOL! Hahahahahahah! I guess that was another one of those weird ass interpretations.
  4. Yes, those weird ass interpretations of applying logic to your posts. The gall! The Siemen signing is proof that the Rangers are stupid. Nothing more and nothing less. Where you in my E-Rod this summer? I don't remember. Did you put a number out there then?
  5. Again, it's a very convenient way to make hypothetical claims without dealing with reality. It's saying "The O's should sign FAs!" and then being shown the FA list and the contracts they're getting, and saying "Well obviously none of those FAs."
  6. I think signing FAs to bad contracts is a stupid concept. But that's just me.
  7. Right it's a very convenient why to make hypothetical claims without having to engage in reality.
  8. But if Semien isn't an example of that, then why try to use him as an example of that?
  9. Maybe the Rangers are just ran like crap.
  10. So you want to complain that the O's didn't do something you don't think they should have done? That's...... rational. You bring up E-Rod. I brought him up this summer and I identified him as a good target. If you want to complain about the O's not signing E-Rod- more power to you- but you do it when the O's don't sign E-Rod. You don't do it every time some other random team signs a FA, particularly when you believe that specfic FA contract is a bad idea.
  11. You keep advocating for things without actually evaluating whether they're good or not. Of course the O's could have signed anyone. If they offered them enough money. That doesn't even begin to evaluate whether they should or not. You want to go on the record now and say that is a good signing by Texas?
  12. I actually disagree with this. There was no progression for the Rays in 2008. Or the Orioles in 2012. Or for the Cubs in 2015. You could say the Astros has a progression but they went from 51 wins to the playoffs in two years.
  13. I just meant north of 100. But maybe it isn't. Maybe it's like 90. I really don't know. But that is still way too much for me to lay down to pick up one FA year.
  14. What do you think an 8 year extension looks like for him? Surely north of 100 million.
  15. We already have him for 7- or 6.8. We don't know how the new CBA will impact that so it seems silly to speculate. But as the rules are now, we have him for seven basically. And I repeat, to get one FA year doesn't make sense to guarantee the 100s of millions it would take.
  16. And this is exactly why you don't sign him. Getting a single FA year isn't worth the risk.
  17. You are. Even if you refuse to acknowledge it.
  18. Those mediocre teams sacrificed future opportunities to be mediocre and not garbage; it's one of the reasons they were mediocre for so long. You understood that 15 years ago.
  19. Yes, by all means we should imitate our run from 2000-2010. Those were the glory days! Of course, I remember you criticizing the FO ad nauseam then as well for doing exactly what you are now criticizing the FO for not doing ad nauseam. Almost like there's a pattern.
  20. These are points are fair enough. Reasonable people can differ. What should also be noted however is none of that would have made more than a silver of difference in the competitiveness of the ball club.
  21. I largely agree. I expect them to improve but not be competitive. I wrote the 2022 team off in 2018. What I can't wrap my mind around, is why someone who spent the summer of 2021 demanding/insisting that the Orioles should be better right now!, would then head into the fall of 2021 suggesting they should trade their best players because they're not better right now!
  22. So when did you come to the conclusion that the 2022 team had no chance?
  23. Does he hit better or worse with guys on base? Most guys hit better with guys on base. Because most pitchers are worse with guys on base. Seems pretty logical to suggest that more guys on base would lead to better offensive performances.
  24. As others have said, anyone is available at the right price. What is odd to me is there seems to be a direct correlation between the people who are upset that we aren't better RIGHT THIS SECOND and the people who are willing to trade our best players RIGHT THIS SECOND.
  25. Just because something can't be quantified doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
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