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brianod last won the day on May 19 2012

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About brianod

  • Birthday 03/11/1961

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  1. We have played 20 games at home and 14 on the road. Good we have a cushion...
  2. I stopped watching both national and local news because I found it wasn't news, it was life presented to fit the owner of the stations agenda. A pox on both their houses! Ooops, guess this post isn't appropriate but I'll just have to live with the consequences:)
  3. So, we traded for a rental platoon player? Geez, not happy. I'd rather let Nolan sink or swim so that we can finally make a decision on him.
  4. Parra's lifetime against lefties: 236 299 305 604 ops This year, he only has 53 at bats against lefties which means that Milwaukee might have been sitting him regularly against lefties. He's 28 and having a career year, maybe something clicked for him but most probably due for a regression. I think I've made it plain about how I feel about rentals but this guy might come in and not even improve the club.
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